Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thursday Morning News


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM


    Isn't that great.... $19,000 for meal tickets. Don't you just love the Union, way to go Ronnie!!!

    It's too bad that others are losing their jobs while your celebrating "well deserved meal tickets"....

    Come on get real!!!!!

  2. Anonymous2:02 PM

    120 gone at Newsday.

  3. For the record, this settlement was reached between the NLRB and The Los Angeles Times last year. The meal tickets being distributed are what the company agreed was owed. The Union,(all of us!)had no role in this settlement or the terms, we did not contest the agreement either.


  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Look who’s “spinning” now!!!!

    Why didn’t the union/you just say “for the good of all, we don’t need the meal tickets”.......

  5. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Ronnie said......

    “Chicago is still shitting in L.A.'s backyard and some of you still believe the Union is the bad guy! It's not the Union who looks for cuts, the union fights to save jobs and benefits, you cannot say the same for this company, I don't give a rats ass who owns it!”

    Who has the responsibility for paying your wages? The union or the company? Maybe the union SHOULD look for cuts and performance improvements, at least then some us would have a job and benefits. If there is no company how are you going to save jobs and benefits??????

  6. These cuts would not be necessary if the L.A. Times did not alienate some readers by continuing to print one-sided stories. They need a more diverse mix of political opinions. I would personally never purchase the paper because of the biased angles. As a business person, why would I want to give up market share and only serve some clients when I can cater to all? Makes perfect business sense. The problem has been that most metropolitan papers are not run like a business.

  7. You're my kind of man roy rico! I would have cancelled my 7-day-a-week subscription long ago but I print the damn thing.


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