Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What's New at the Los Angeles Times

Meredith Artley, executive editor of, is responsible for increasing traffic to the online edition of the Los Angeles Times, with changes to the appearance of all the online pages and the addition of many useful blogs to fit all tastes. In the short span of eleven months, navigation of has been transformed from confusing to understandable, under her leadership. Take a look at what's new on the online edition of the newspaper below.

Web Scout: Spinning through online entertainment and connected culture.
By David Sarno, the Times' Internet culture and online entertainment writer.

This is no joke, Mr. Skyhook himself is now blogging at the Los Angeles Times. After a quick scan of Kareem's new blog, I will return later to do a complete view because it looks interesting.

Metromix Los Angeles, which launched the print edition last Wednesday, is aimed at young adults, with all types of entertainment every night of the week. This free tabloid can be found at a college near you, with a current production of 103,000 copies every Wednesday, this is certain to be a must have newspaper for active young adults.

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