Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Los Angeles Film Race

From the computer of David Markland

Hey, friends...

I'm event producing a filmmaking competition called the LA Film Race. Below are details. I'd appreciate if you could forward to anyone who may be interested. Thanks! -DM

The Los Angeles Film Race is a 24 hour filmmaking competition being held the first weekend of May, followed a few nights later by all the films being screened at a local theatre. I'm event producing, which is a great excuse for not participating, but it also makes me ineligible for a ton of prizes.

Here's how it works: At 10pm, Friday, May 2nd, filmmaking teams will be sent a theme (ie, "a trade") along with another random requirement (ie, "high five"). The team then has 24 hours to plot, shoot, edit, and turn in a 4 minute short film that incorporates those elements. Films need to be dropped of at a Hollywood area location (TBD, likely someplace with alcohol and cookies) by 10pm Saturday, May 3rd to qualify.

The top films from Los Angeles will then go on to be judged against films in other cities competitions for prizes ranging from $2,500 cash, Avid software, and more.

Registration fee until April 10th is $95 - but use discount code FILMRACER for $10 off.

For more info and to register:

David Markland
:: City Captain/Author, LA Metblogs (formerly Metroblogging LA)
:: Blogger, KNBC's California Faultline
:: Producer, The LA Film Race, May 2nd & 3rd, 2008
:: resume, etc.:

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