Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Real Solution

Well, I am officially tired of hearing both sides complain about the problem we have with revenue. One side says it's the lazy union, the other side blames management. Well how about put up or shut up? Lets all take a pay cut and save the company real money. I will not accept anything under $25 per hr. I'm not privileged to know how much everyone makes, but for some reason $35 per Hr sounds like the going rate. Given how much money everyone in Operations makes I would think that we can save plenty of money. If we have 300 employees making more than 35 per hr, then our savings could be close to 6 million dollars per year!!!!!. Wow, can you imagine, the possibilities, and we would not need layoffs. The catch is that even Upper management has to take the same pay as the rest of us in operation's. I only wonder if our Sr. Leaders would be able to live on such meager wages. I'm game! Are you? Now that would be a real UNION!


  1. Wolf said,
    "...Well how about put up or shut up? Lets all take a pay cut... I'm game! Are you? Now that would be a real UNION!"

    No thanks, I think I'd rather shut up than put up.

  2. Anonymous4:03 PM

    "I will not accept anything under $25 per hr. I'm not privileged to know how much everyone makes, but for some reason $35 per Hr sounds like the going rate."

    I'm sure there are many people that would like it very much to be making $35.00/hr.. For some reason it seems that $25/hr is more like the going average/rate for folks in operations. So.. it would look like $15/hr is what you should be ready to accept in order to make your plan work.

    So much for the plan!!!!

  3. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Isn't Socialism great! Long live Karl Marx.

  4. Anonymous4:10 PM

    ...Lets all take a pay cut...

    OK, sure, then...lets all set our hair on fire.

  5. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Sounds like Wolf is near the bottom in seniority??

  6. Anonymous5:33 PM

    with gas 4 bucks a gal. and ins. going up every year and haven't had a good raise in years. you are just crazy to take a pay cut.

  7. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Whatever you are smoking, I want some!

  8. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Why should everyone in operations or management have to 'put up or shut up'? I'm happy with my benefits and the money I make. Its the pressmen that decided to put everything up for negotiations. Let them reap what they have sewn and leave the rest of us out of this.

  9. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I love to hear that you fools think you still have a future in newspaper production at the Times. And, I love to hear you say that you think you'll be making $65K/yr in the future. You make me laugh when you rationalize your importance to the company. Suckers.

  10. Grandspud said,
    “…No thanks, I think I'd rather shut up than put up.”

    For the record.

    I don’t know who grandspud is, nor many of the "anonymous" commentors. So with all due respect, here you, and everyone that works for the Times and posted a stupid comment, instead of a solution, should get fired.

    I’m laughing because I hope that grandspud does not work for the Times. How shallow minded, and stupid can all of you be? Did you not listen to what Sam told us? If this ship does not turn the course ALL OF US!!! Not just the pressroom, are done. Look at Editorial…what’s happening over there. Are all of you freaking kidding me? I propose to save 6 million dollars a year, and all you can say is I’ll shut up? You’re a piece of shit. I feel for the people that loose their jobs. I care, these people have kids, houses, grandchildren, and the list goes on. And all your willing to do is shut up? Fuck off! We own this place now. I’m the boss of me. And if I want to make this work, then I’m willing to settle there. If you have a corporate mindset, and not that of a business man, then what are you doing working for us? I want to win, and I want to win big, and If, that means, that I take a pay cut now, so I can reap the benefits latter, than that’s what I’ll have to do to accomplish my goal of making this a successful operation. Shit, I want to do what Apple did when they too, overcame the skeptics and proved to the world, that any good business model ( I-Pod, I-Phone, and the list goes on) will overcome. Give me solutions, not “I’ll shut up”, “Your Fired” Donald.T.

  11. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Yes... it’s interesting watching all the “rhetoric” from the union side of the house.

    “Chicago is still shitting in L.A.'s backyard and some of you still believe the Union is the bad guy! It's not the Union who looks for cuts, the union fights to save jobs and benefits, you cannot say the same for this company, I don't give a rats ass who owns it!”


    How is the union going to save jobs and benefits if the company revenue is less than expenses? Must be some kind of “new” math......

  12. Anonymous7:20 PM

    There is a nasty rumor going around OC that the company wants 31 heads out of the pressroom and is offering 6 weeks of severance. Nothing being posted by "our" union or the company.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.