Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Los Angeles Times Operations Buyouts

Downsizing at the Los Angeles Times Operations Departments has reared its ugly head once again, but you will not see the names of those individuals affected anywhere but here.

If you spot any omissions, please notify me as soon as possible.

Los Angeles Times Olympic Production Facility

Mike Bassett
Guy Blanchard
Ruben Cano
Marvin Crayon
Alfredo Eslava
Ernie Gardner
Roy Gonzales
Monica Hayes
Sid Lopez
Nelson Matsukawa
Joseph Plazola

Los Angeles Times Orange County Production Facility

Gideon Brown
Philip Chandler
Timothy Dodd
Paul Ethridge
Andrew Higgins - Transferred from pressroom to service shops
Doug Howard
Mark Jacobs
Kevin Kuylen
Lawrence Lyon
Scott MacDonald
Raymond Mecinas
Arthur Mojica
Sandy Ochoa
Fred Raniag
Mark Snyder
Kim Tonneson
Ralph Van Dyke
Michael Walsh

Four pressroom employees will be transferring from the Times Olympic Facility to the Orange County Facility

Sal Guerrero
Otis Miller
Myron Mitchell
Blanca Ortiz

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