Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Not So Funny


  1. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Did you know that the IRS has examined the finances of millions of taxpayers and decided to send consumer goods instead of cash to those with high debt-to-income ratios? That's right. At least one million tax payers will get stuff instead of a check. They figure that those with heavy debt loads will use the stimulus check to pay-down some of what they owe. The government wants to make sure that you go out and buy something with the stimulus money, so don't be surprised to get an air conditioner from the IRS instead of the money you were hoping for.

  2. Well, my son started to take the bus this past week. Fortunately, we live in an area served by buses, Amtrak and metrolink. It's a good thing. I might start doing it myself.

  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    What's a bus.Oh yea one of those things you walk a mile and a half for.Or 3 miles round trip.Yea I'll take the buss.

  4. Discover walking.
    Lose that lard ass.

  5. Tee hee hee!!!!!!!!!!!


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