Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Taxes Due Today

April 15th is a date most American’s recognize as the date their tax returns are due, and the media insures we all remember this date with the constant hints not to forget to file our taxes by midnight tonight. Post offices across the country will have workers on hand to collect and postmark tax returns by midnight, so penalties and interest will not accrue on taxes due.

Just hearing the name, the Internal Revenue Service, brings feelings of fear through most of us which prompts us to be good taxpayers and hand our hard earn money over to the IRS before the deadline, as not to draw any unwanted attention from this agency.

I mentioned to a colleague yesterday I was just starting my son’s tax returns, and he knew the drill by stating, “His tax returns have to be filed by the 15th Ed”. Yet I’m in no rush to file Bryan’s taxes just yet, I explained, and have no fear of the IRS regarding Bryan’s taxes due.

My colleague was puzzled by my lack luster regard to filing Bryan’s taxes in a timely manner today, which prompted my response, “Bryan did not survive an auto accident last August, and the IRS cannot collect taxes due from someone not with us”.

Or can they?


  1. I think it depends on the size of the estate, Ed.
    Best to talk to an accountant.

  2. Anonymous2:18 PM

    You know it's so easy to play by the rules..... I wonder why people don't.


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