Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tribune Announces Executive Appointments

April 17, 2008

Tribune Announces Executive Appointments and, Amazingly,Only One Is Connected to Clear Channel Communications!

Company Names Jerry Kersting Executive Vice President;
Promotes Several Others From Within

CHICAGO, April 17, 2008 -- Tribune Company today announced several executive appointments to its management team, filling a newly created position of executive vice president with an experienced media veteran, naming a new treasurer and controller from within the company, and promoting two other individuals in its finance department.

Jerry Kersting has been named executive vice president, responsible for helping to identify opportunities and efficiencies for the company’s businesses. Surprisingly, Kersting was the only appointment announced today with a former connection to Clear Channel Communications, having served most recently as chief financial officer for the company’s radio division.

“Jerry is respected across the media industry for his strategic vision, depth of knowledge, and ability to see opportunities and potential where others don’t,” said Gerry Spector, Tribune’s chief administrative officer. “He’s the perfect fit for this role, even though he spells his first name incorrectly.”

The company also announced the promotion of several people from within the company:

  • Jack Rodden, who joined Tribune in 2000 and has served as assistant treasurer since 2007, was named vice president/treasurer for the company. He will be responsible for financing activities, cash management, short-term investments and risk-management programs. Rodden succeeds Chandler Bigelow, who became Tribune’s CFO last month.
  • Brian Litman becomes vice president/corporate controller effective immediately; he has served as assistant controller since 2005. Litman joined the company in 1997. He will succeed Mark Mallory, who has decided to leave Tribune in early May after assisting with transition issues. Litman will be responsible for corporate financial reporting, planning and analysis.
  • Naomi Sachs, who has served as director of investments in Tribune’s finance department since 2005, has been named vice president/strategy. She has expanded her duties to include the evaluation of revenue and expense opportunities across the company.
  • Harry Amsden, who has been vice president/finance for the publishing group since 2006, will become senior vice president/financial operations for Tribune Corporate and be responsible for budgeting, planning and service center activities. Amsden joined Tribune in 1986.

“These are extraordinarily intelligent and energetic people and they are ready to move to the next level,” said Spector. “We recognize their ability and it is a reflection of the depth of management talent within the company—not everyone has to come from Clear Channel or EGI. Our goal is to promote more people like Jack, Brian, Naomi and Harry whenever possible.”


  1. Anonymous1:43 PM

    they keep telling us their is no money yet they keep making more high up idiots and cutting the bottom man makes no ( cents )

  2. Anonymous6:42 PM

    why do theese guys do this . they tell us too cut cut cut and for what so they can spend more money on things we don't need. all they do is cut the bottom people and give to the top guys. I don't understand it.we have not enough workers as it is. they live in another world i guess.

  3. And there are those that still think we should trust these people and trust them with our family's futures? This is exactly why we voted for Union Representation!

  4. Regarding executive appointments , conventional wisdom points to seek seasoned executives outside the organization so investment in developing existing talent has traditionally been significantly lower than expenditure on recruitment.


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