Friday, April 04, 2008

Tribune Co faces default threat in '09

Terrible rumors of the Tribune Company filing for bankrupcy protection have been growing in frequency, the last three weeks. Just caught wind of this article that sheds a bit more light on the possible outcome Tribune Employees are facing.

By Robert MacMillan and Kenneth Li - Analysis

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Tribune Co is at risk of defaulting on its
debt in as little as 18 months if the newspaper business deteriorates further, and it fails to unload more properties.

By some estimates, Tribune could fetch $1.6 billion for the Newsday daily paper and the Chicago Cubs baseball team and related properties, the assets it has already put on the block.

Click on the title to be redirected to the complete article.


  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

    gravedancer zell ha what would be more apprepo would be gravedigger.
    I'm sure employee feedback has lightened up as well.buh bye.
    philip chandler

  2. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Bye Bye Philip......

    Lest you forget who sold the company!

    It was the greedy "shirt sleeve" Chandlers who put us in this mess by dumping all of us for their profit!!!

    Your clan where the original "gravediggers" in this mess!!!!


    And remember.... "You Reap What You Sow."

  3. anonymous said...
    ...Lest you forget who sold the company!
    It was the greedy "shirt sleeve" Chandlers

    Wow! I wish I had said that. Bravo!

  4. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Phillip again please take your medication

  5. Anonymous12:10 AM

    haha anon your a coward,and many years late to the party.besides what do you care about myself or any of the chandlers?after your done complaining;you might realise they had more vision for getting out long before me,and the next round six months from now for you.
    which won't be pretty.and anon hold a mirror up to your face,check to see if your a vampire.
    reap what you sow ?maybe you could sow some seeds of courage and leave a name to your rant.whats shriveling faster your ballsack or the companies balance sheet?
    I wish all of the wonderful,nice,happy people at the times all the best,and for the very few people I disenjoyed;try to smile and remember at least jesus loves you.

    philip chandler

  6. Anonymous10:17 AM

    actually I think they left some money behind just to get out,and it's were not where,and tribune had the keys to the facility since the merger.
    and yes I am enjoying myself thank you for your support,along with reaping what I sow.maybe you could sow some seeds of courage and leave a name to your rant..coward.

  7. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Did you ever work for the Times PC????

    I know you collected a pay check..

    But work???? Hummmmmmmmm

    Oh.... that's right father got you the job to try and teach you some responsibility as I recall...

  8. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Philip this is scary stuff.... This an example as to why they wouldnt let you back on the property. They asked you to not come back, correct? Lets hear the truth now. Maybe you can deliver the paper now... While you still have your drivers license. Try not running to many red lights or driving erraticlly.

    Family had vision?? Than why did you character assinate them all on a daily basis??

  9. Anonymous7:05 PM

    assinate ?wrong !check your speak and spell.wish in one hand shit in the other,and tell me which one fills up first.
    as far as any concern for either anon;don't be to jealous for me when you get the nxt in/voluntary buyout,but I'm sure I can read more of your emasculated b.s. in the future.
    and I wanted to leave anyways; the company sux like you .I'm sure if I wanted more crap out of you;I just have to wipe your forehead,where the last person applied pressure.

  10. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Hey Phil,

    Do you still get your inheritance even though you were not able to complete your obligatory apprenticeship at the Los Angeles Times? After all, it wasn't your fault you got the boot.

  11. Anonymous9:24 AM

    haha you anon peestain;try not to project your jealousy over not being left anything. obligatory?methinks you breathed to much tricho.thats right I left,I wanted to sux and it just going to get worse.
    as sure as my bladder fills up every night I'll expect to read more chickenshit postings from anonymous this maybe it will inspire you,but probably's my name. maybe you hanging on sad saps could do the same.. though I doubt it.
    philip chandler

  12. Anonymous3:57 PM


    Your really a credit to the "Chandler clan"....

    I'm sure they are all really proud of you and your accomplishments and they think that you are a class act!

    I wonder why they didn't ask you how to turn the company around instead of Mark Willes.

  13. Anonymous6:53 PM

    you assume facts not in evidence,and besides having your head so far up your ass might be tuff to find a keyboard and leave a name to your b.s. cowardly little

  14. Hey Philip,

    Where's you buddy Ronnie been? You know, the guy who threw you under the bus.

  15. Anonymous9:54 PM

    funny you should mention him pud he has no problem leaving his name to his missive,unlike your pudself.
    whining little lame coward.
    i'll think of all of you gutless bloggers looking at my rhode island red hen;bock.bock.bock.bock
    geek yourself before you blog anything anonymously or eat chicken.

  16. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Philip why did you skip your medication? You need help! Lucky us we will NO longer have to hear your vile filthy language in the work place.

  17. Anonymous5:25 PM

    the only thing vile and filthy is your coward ass. maybe if you take enough of your medication; you could find whats obvious is you lack the strength,courage,ability to reveal yourself.
    oh well unlike you I had the chance to leave,your tickets already punched,and your just waiting for a tap on the shoulder to get shown the door.
    it's o.k you probably were a bigger pussy at work then you are now so buh bye until your testerone pegs 10 percent of normal, and you share more of you inherant lameness.

  18. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Yea you'll miss the filthy language.
    I bet you'll suck right up to Zell when he uses it.

  19. Anonymous8:05 AM

    thats your job woos boy you still work there;probably your management being too afraid to sign your name.and the bald spot on the back of your head is really a target good luck,you will need it.filthy language what rock you work under?your obviously not from either pressroom,and your only coworker is the hum of the lights above your darkened cubicle/sans window.
    hey my girlfriend wants to mail you half a can of secret deoderant since it's strong enough for a man,but like you it's made for a woman.misogony aside your a pathetic coward.
    philip chandler

  20. Anonymous10:32 AM


    And every time you open mouth you embarrass not only yourself but your family too!

  21. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I 'd be embarrassed maybe..if I had a qualified individual step up to the plate. instead of some bottom feeding troll,who couldn't qualify,or quantify anything or anyone. being to afraid to reveal their name much less their motives.
    philip chandler

  22. Wow.
    So here's where the fight has been brewing.

  23. Philip Chandler said,
    "...bock. bock. bock. bock begaak! bock. bock. bock. bock. begaak!"

    Wow! All I asked is where your buddy Ronnie has been. We haven't heard from him in a very long time.

  24. Anonymous11:41 PM

    yea tuff dealing with a bunch of vampires at the negotiating table.
    I know he feels badly for all those facing involuntary/voluntary buyouts. after all it wasn't his proposal.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.