Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Afternoon News

Former LAT Chatsworth Manager Ed Weilbacher AKA eddo


Photo by Dana Custer


  1. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I wash my hands among the innocent, and I go around Your altar, O Lord, that I may hear the voice of praise, and tell of all Thy wondrous works. O Lord, I have loved the beauty of Thy house and the place where Thy glory dwelleth. Take not away my soul, O God with the wicked: nor my life with men of blood. On their hands are crimes, and their right hands are full of bribes. But as for me I have walked in my innocence; redeem me, and have mercy on me. My foot has stood in the right way;s in the churches I will bless Thee, O Lord. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

  2. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Great Picture Dana. I wish to say hello and best wishes to you and your family.

    The picture was taken a few years back and my hair has much more gray, the face has more wrinkles and I have lost about 20 pounds since my departure from The Times.

    Russ Newton's pictue was posted a few weeks back and only drew two comments. Let's see how many mine draws.

    Be kind now folks. Those who live in glass houses, should not throw rocks. LOL - Eddo

  3. See, I told you, woodchuck!

  4. Eddo Wildbelcher said,
    "...[grandspud] all you offer is obfuscation and ad hominem comments..."

    Eddo, pasted below are some of your comments from a single topic. Find me a big word that describes them or the type individual that makes them.

    (Eddo you never replied to this question on the other thread so I thought maybe you missed it, or avoided it. How about an answer?)

    -"...Alma was the most gutless and worthless HR rep..."

    -"...the things I know about the freaks..."

    -"...that asshole Jim Hathawy..."

    -"...That Son of Bitch George LaMonte and others..."

    -"...Listen up you mealy mouth idiot..."

    -"...the HR department infested with rats and other dispicable parasites..."

    -"...I can say for the HR folks. They reminded me of the Nazi SS..."

    -"...I was actually told to do wrong and follow orders by none other than 'the toad'..."

    -"...Did you ever get a whiff of the stench coming from the direction of the HR offices..."

    -"...the "mealy mouth idiot..."

    -"...He didn't listen now did he. It is time to finish the delousing there at The Times..."

    -"...Me thinks they were freaks then and they are freaks now..."

    -"...Here is something that all Times empoyees should have with them before approaching the "upper floors' or the HR dept... Delousing powder..."

    -"...What are your credentials numbskull..."

    -"...You wouldn't make a pimple on a pigs ass..."

    -"...he is a useless idiot and a liar..."

    -"...How would this moron know..."

    -" are a nothing..."

    -"...the Times is full of empty wimps..."

    -"...A lot of the saps whored themselves..."

    -"...Oh one more thing for the morons, idiots, and liars..."

    -"...with these people it is hard to tell which direction it is coming from. It all sounds like one loud fart..."

    -" thinks you to be a big stinker..."

  5. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Grandspud - You forgot one of the best - I deemed you to be Mr. Potato Head. How convenient for a numbskull like you to forget one of my favorites, pointed directly at you yet. Actually, a few years back, sometimes we would refer to you as peanut head, but any of them would suffice. Peanut head, potato head, numbskull, they are all perfect fits for one such as you. I would also call your omission, hold on now – this is your phrase for the day, selective indignation. The leadership team (sic) and the SS were noted for this.

    The day you were hired on was the day the union drums started beating, or shortly thereafter. If only the union could get their hands on that survey taken at the plants, what an embarrassment that would be, now wouldn't it? I bet you were the center of attraction, now you are an empty potato head.

    Now for the other folks that read this. You see what kind of idiots I had to deal with. Behind the scenes, there were allegations pointed at the leadership team of fraud, sexual harassment, misuse of company property and personnel; and the breaking of other federal laws, including, but not limited to improper accounting procedures, non-payment of overtime, and seeking out the identity of anonymous person(s) reporting such activities, and no, I do not do things anonymously. Anonymous persons do not have much credibility, i.e., Mr. potato head.

    In my estimation, Mr. Potato Head has little self esteem, and he is probably a victim, of what is referred to as self abuse - if you get my drift. No wonder the folks needed union representation with numbskulls like him.

  6. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Oh, Mr. Potato Head, I was resmiss. Excuuuuuusssse Me. I also noticed you didn't mention the drunken clown. Remember how I told you how Wayne Bean reminded us of the drunken clown in the Uncle Buck movie. It is hilarious. What a match!!!!

    You never did let us know if you watched the short clip available on YouTube. Now get in your mouse and get out there to the video store and rent the whole movie. It is well worth the few bucks.

    Now if Wayne were reading this, I would expect him to just watch the clip. In my opinion, he was tighter than Kelsey's nuts. I wonder if he is shaking down anybody for a free lunch these days?

    Oh, one last thing. You know I had a picture of that drunken clown from the Uncle Buck movie on the wall in my office. When he would come to visit me, I often wondered what was going on inside what I and others would call that baseball size head of his.

  7. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Eddo nice teeth there .. looks like the chompers could gnaw through a redwood.

  8. Eddo,

    You continue to ignore the question so I'll answer it.

    An angry person makes such comments.

  9. Anonymous8:50 PM

    You are talking pretty bad about someone you referred to as a man that could be like your brother (Wayne Bean).

  10. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Chuck E. Cheese

  11. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Is it possible for a person to learn what he thinks he already knows? In the case of mr. potato head - impossible.

    Anyway, just a reminder, on this Memorial Day, to keep those who died on the battlefield, those who fought for their country and those who were buried in the sea; in your prayers.

  12. HEY

  13. and the one that rob the record store ran out of gas while the cops were chasing him , he forgot to take the money from under the door mat that eddo left for him , real smart boys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Anon said - "Eddo,
    You are talking pretty bad about someone you referred to as a man that could be like your brother (Wayne Bean)."

    In the eyes of God, you are 100% correct, and if I have offended anyone, I will rise above the fray, and although I cannot take back that which I have said, I am sorry for my offenses.


  15. Anonymous7:06 PM

    After reading cooler's post, my first reaction was that it must be George LaMonte or Jim Hathaway due to Grandspud's, aka mr. potato head, post stating that I called one a sob and the other an asshole. I did not say that at all. Mr. potato head took it out of context. I have no quarrel with either. If it was either George or Jim, I invite them to go back and read what I said. If they want to know the whole story, I am available to explain it to them. George knows my number or has access to it. I might also add that in both cases of the insults thrown at them, I stuck up for both of them.

    As to the accusation, some of it is true and some of it isn’t. In either case, they paid for their crimes. You know they say ‘you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family’. I don't think it is designed to make everything OK, just to remind you that as much as you can't pick them, you still can't help but love them, as much as you might want to kill them from time to time.

    I also, do not think cooler is Jim Hathaway. He is too easy going of a person. Due to the illiterate way the accusation was put together, my gut feeling is that it was none other than Geo. If it was Geo, my advice to him is to be careful. I am the last person that he would want to throw stones at. I do not want to get him in serious trouble, nor do I have any desire to insult him. The opportunities are real and they are not what he wants me to reveal. I think he gets the drift if he reads this.

    As I said in an earlier post, if the union folks, and the non union folks also, want to be successful; they need to stick together. All for one, one for all. United you will stand, divided you will fall. Believe me, management’s only hope is to divide and conquer. Stay cool cooler.

  16. Hey Ed,

    If you are going to put my name on the internet....Spell it right.

  17. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Hey cooler, Somebody told me you had something in your garage that LAT management and fellow employees might be interested in. Care to shed any light on it?


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.