Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Inflammatory Comments

Over the past 12 hours, we've rejected no less than 8 comments.
They were repetitive and used profanity to attack one another.

As Ed Padgett said, "We thought they would've gotten tired of fighting by now."
So we're doing the little kid thing. For the next 24 hours, there will be no anonymous postings. Sorry to ruin it for the vast majority who were respectful.


  1. Ed.....

    I agree that there is no place for the “vulgar” talk but most of it seems to be coming from those that use their names not those that have signed in as “anonymous”. But to censor the exchange between to people/groups, anonymous or not, is not right! Censor the vulgar responses but not the exchange between two people regardless of there ability to make a coherent statement.

    Thanks for listening......

  2. The comments didn't even make the board, OC. Every single comment we discarded were riddled with @#($*&@($&. Whomever it was that wrote these things had done it time and time again. We simply stepped in and said, "move on."

    While the airing of differences is expected, the degree of viciousness displayed in these REPETITIVE attacks was excessive.

    My advice: if anyone is harboring grudges to the point that their only outlet is calling people names on a blog, then truly, they need to find a different way to resolve those problems.

  3. Hi Kanani.....

    I don’t disagree, except to the extent that most production employees have strong opinions about those that they have worked for, are working for and those that they work with and this blog has been a window into those feelings.... anonymously.

    Look at what the “union” folks have said about LAT management and their anti-union co-workers and vice-a-versa.

    The anonymous, written word for these folks is a much better release than “locker room” talk where most of the folks can’t afford to say what’s on their mind.

    Thanks for listening......

  4. Golly! I may have been obnoxious but never vulgar.

  5. I just had a great idea!

    If you're not going to publish the really vulgar attacks for general consumption, maybe we can pay a fee to see them? Kind of like offering a premium blog membership. The money could be donated to a good, company cause, Reading (English) by Veintiséis, and I could see all the juicy dirt.

    You could even market special packages like the cable companies do. Very similar to selling access to the premium channels.

    On this blog, I pay big bucks for the Phil Chandler channel. I might even pop a few extra dollars to add the Eddo Wildbelcher Stupor-Station.

  6. Grand Spud,

    I like your idea. You are on to something Big.


  7. OldOC...
    I guess you didn't notice, but the anonymous comments were put back AS PROMISED after a 24 hour truce.

    Yes, you should pursue this! You could even set up a live cam.

  8. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Kanani, Even though I have not met you, I looked at your bio and noticed that you have two children. Happy Mother's Day from Eddo.

    In regards to "Every single comment we discarded were riddled with @#($*&@($&. Whoever it was that wrote these things had done it time and time again." Again, read my earlier post regarding Wayne Bean, and Dave Skilliter. To me, it sounds like a perfect fit. A detective investigating a crime would first ask of himself, who would have cause? Me thinks it be one or both of them.

    Thinking back about 15 years ago, Mark Kurtich had a survey taken and boy did Dave take a beating. I seem to recall something about a foul or filthy mouth.

    There was also another survey taken about 2005. I have been led to believe that Wayne Bean (the clown)took one hell of a beating in that one. The then publisher, Jeff Johnson said that it was a real eye opener. The release of the valley survey never came, as to my understanding. I know what they said about it not being relavent due to the valley plant closing, but I think it was a cover-up. I would give $100.00 for a copy of that one. Talk about entertainment grandspud, that survey would probably keep you aroused for a month.


  9. Eddo Wildbelcher said,
    "...Talk about entertainment grandspud, that survey would probably keep you aroused for a month... "

    Glad to see you're still posting Eddo. But I haven't heard from Phil Lately. Could you walk down to the next ward and stir him up a little?

    I have an even better idea than my Eddo Wildbelcher Stupor-Station. It would be 1-900-LUNATIC. People like me could call, and for a fee, listen to one of your maniacal rants. Now that would really get me aroused!

    This is pathetic. Maybe I should get a hobby. Excuse me while I go pleasure myself.

  10. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Eddo Wildbelcher,

    Don't you get it? Your just entertainment, plain and simle.

  11. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I have been following along over the past month reading through these posts.

    Here are some of my observations and analysis:

    1) For one nobody on here except Eddo has posted anything of substance on the blog comments. Most of you need to get a pair and actually reply with something that makes sense not dumb Prozac comments.

    2) Anons If you're going to post obnoxious remarks go play on MySpace or facebook with every other 14 year old.

    3) Wolf it seems like you are a real suck up to people in life. Maybe you should start thinking a little more independently. For some reason I think that you're an IT nerd and that all you do is hover around your screen all day long looking at porn yourself. Go ahead it’s alright take a walk outside and get some fresh air. The sun won't kill you.

    4) I think Grandspud is a higher up and is here to spy on everyone just like every other higher up in the times. They read everything! That being said I'd be weary of this guy. He stinks like a rat.

    5) Old OC, Ed, and Kanani actually post quite intelligently. Maybe Woof Woof and Spudnut should take some lessons from them instead of being the English major experts in blog posting. Get over yourselves you two. Instead of posting on here go diagram a sentence, and report back to me and I will be more then happy to grade your work.

    6) Eddo stop with the "me thinks" in the earlier blogs!

    That is my rant for the day! I can only sit on the sidelines for so long without commenting.

  12. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Grandspud, henceforth, I will, if I choose to do so, adress you as Mr. Potato Head. You are like unto a potato head, as the last anon posted - quite well frankly; you have nothing to offer. Potato heads are hollow inside, just like you. I also think you to be a lurker. We used to call Wayne Bean a lurker because he seemed to be always peeking around the corner trying to catch one doing something that was not of his liking. I think this made him feel superior and thus it would give him an excuse to say something foul about somebody. I don't think anybody was above, what I would call, his name calling. He had choice words for just about anyone - directors, managers, hourly workers, and vendors. I also think you, Mr. Potato Head to be a director or above. Just keep on lurking. Eddo

  13. Oh goody! A new playmate. Welcome.

  14. New Playmate said,
    ...I can only sit on the sidelines for so long without commenting...

    Boy, and I thought I had no life.

    Actively posting is pathetic enough, but sitting on the side-lines watching???!!!

  15. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Mr. Potato Head - As anon said -

    1) For one nobody on here except Eddo has posted anything of substance on the blog comments. Most of you need to get a pair and actually reply with something that makes sense not dumb Prozac comments.

    I couldn't agree more. All you offer is obfuscation and ad hominem comments and they are tools of a loser. You have revealed yourself, through your usual ignorance. It fits you perfectly.

    Mr Potato Head, you know as well as I, silence means agreement, and you have refuted nothing. Get it Buster?

    Oh, one last thing Mr. Potato Head. Have you seen the Drunken Clown of the Uncle Buck movie yet?
    If not it is available for free on YouTube. I think you will enjoy it. Let me know if you think it fits Wayne Beans character. I don't recall hearing from you on that one. Surely you can give us an opinion on that.


  16. Eddo Wildbelcher said,
    "...[grandspud] all you offer is obfuscation and ad hominem comments..."

    ad hominem: Replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument.

    I have only two things to say about your remark Eddo. First, it is not true. Second, I always thought you bore a striking resemblance to a woodchuck.

  17. “Anonymous” poster said:

    “I have been following along over the past month reading through these posts.

    Here are some of my observations and analysis”

    “3) Wolf it seems like you are a real suck up to people in life. Maybe you should start thinking a little more independently. For some reason I think that you're an IT nerd and that all you do is hover around your screen all day long looking at porn yourself. Go ahead it’s alright take a walk outside and get some fresh air. The sun won't kill you.´”

    Let me Guess, you are Eddo’s Boy friend. His little Boy toy from what I gather.

    I don’t know who you are, or what you represent, and I also don’t know what you mean by calling me a “real suck up to people”. I’m flattered at the fact that you took the time to court me in such an open forum. Unfortunately you did not leave a return number so I can take you up on your offer and take you on a walk outside and get some fresh air. With that said, I’ll see if Eddo, can give you permission to come out and play. I know he must have warned you against leaving your real name. You might expose yourself, and make poor old Eddo look dumb. If I look at this closer, and read into your comments, I would say that Eddo has the balls in the relationship, since he has enough guts to put his name when he addresses me. On the other hand, you, are a little female dog that hides under the anonymous veil, because you are too afraid.
    “Anonymous”, I’ll save you a little money on your Prozac, and reveal that I do not work in the IT department like you suggest, much less look at a screen all day long. I will say this, I’ve been outside today, and the sun has not killed me yet. OH, by the way, did you get your GED in Jail, or the cereal box, since you’ll be grading Grandspuds and my homework when we turn it in.

    P.S. Leave your Name and phone number so I can show you a good time, and some good Porn.


  18. I still can't believe what you guys post on here. Yes I did recieve my GED from jail. Actually I have a degree from Cal Poly. You guys just don't get it. Like I said before the stuff you talk about on here you think you were on myspace instead of talking about things that matter. For example trying to make the Times a better place to work and better protection for employees from losing their jobs. We are in a time when print media will soon be outdated and where will we all be? Instead you attack people and call them crazy when they had a wrong done to them, and never did a wrong to you that I know of. By the way Mr. Blogmaster the rules say no personal attacks and thats all I have seen on here. Yes I am even guily of pointing the finger at Spudnut and Woof. But that is small potatos isn't it spudnut. This will be my last post playmates. Everyone here would crap themselves if they ever figure out who this is. Your pink ticket my be coming sooner then later.

  19. Eddo Wildbelcher said,
    "...[grandspud] all you offer is obfuscation and ad hominem comments..."

    Eddo, pasted below are some of your comments from a single topic. Find me a big word that describes them or the type individual that uses them.

    -"...Alma was the most gutless and worthless HR rep..."

    -"...the things I know about the freaks..."

    -"...that asshole Jim Hathawy..."

    -"...That Son of Bitch George LaMonte and others..."

    -"...Listen up you mealy mouth idiot..."

    -"...the HR department infested with rats and other dispicable parasites..."

    -"...I can say for the HR folks. They reminded me of the Nazi SS..."

    -"...I was actually told to do wrong and follow orders by none other than 'the toad'..."

    -"...Did you ever get a whiff of the stench coming from the direction of the HR offices..."

    -"...the "mealy mouth idiot..."

    -"...He didn't listen now did he. It is time to finish the delousing there at The Times..."

    -"...Me thinks they were freaks then and they are freaks now..."

    -"...Here is something that all Times empoyees should have with them before approaching the "upper floors' or the HR dept... Delousing powder..."

    -"...What are your credentials numbskull..."

    -"...You wouldn't make a pimple on a pigs ass..."

    -"...he is a useless idiot and a liar..."

    -"...How would this moron know..."

    -"...you are a nothing..."

    -"...the Times is full of empty wimps..."

    -"...A lot of the saps whored themselves..."

    -"...Oh one more thing for the morons, idiots, and liars..."

    -"...with these people it is hard to tell which direction it is coming from. It all sounds like one loud fart..."

    -"...me thinks you to be a big stinker..."


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.