Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's Been A Journey

Tomorrow, I get to do something that I haven't done in 29 years. Walk across a university stage to accept a college degree. This time...it's an MPA!

Since I received my BS in 1979, it has been my dream to move forward with my education and go beyond. But with marriage, raising a family, and plain old life, things tended to get put on the back burner.

It comes a time in life that one has to take that leap of faith and just GO FOR IT! I finally decided to take that leap and before I knew it, I was there.

It didn't come easy. I found myself sacrificing things that I once thought were important. I could no longer hang out with friends, take weekend getaways, or even sit and listen to music or watch tv. I was on a mission and determined that I would accomplish this feat...even if it were my last.

There were those who promised to be my support...didn't happen! Instead, they criticized me for not spending more time doing FUN THINGS. But that gave me a clue of who my true friends were. Fortunately, I had other friends and family who knew the real meaning of SACRIFICE. Thank goodness for them. They continually offered the encouragement I needed to pursue my goal. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. And I appreciate and adore you! I would not be here had it not been for your support.

Tomorrow I will dress in my regalia and feel proud of what I've accomplished. But not without knowing from whence I came. Not without knowing where my strength comes from.

Thank you one and all!

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