Saturday, May 17, 2008

San Francisco Peninsula Press Club: More about the East Bay union vote

Two follow-ups to yesterday's item about the National Labor Relations Board's decision to schedule a union vote at the Contra Costa Times and ANG newspapers on Friday, June 13.

First, the union claims management at the newspapers has met with an "anti-union consultant." "It’s our understanding that the company’s approach will be to portray the union as historically ineffective and unable to provide employees the kind of benefits they could reap without a union," said an item on the Guild's "One Big Bang" Web site.

Second, Contra Costa Times business writer George Avalos, who opposes unionization, has answered the questions that readers of the Press Club Web site have posted below a May 2 item on the union campaign. Avalos posted his responses in the "comments" portion of that May 2 item, but since that's now back in the archives, we've pasted it below. (And of course if the Guild people want to respond, we will post that too.)

Anon: George, no question the Guild is totally screwed up.
I completely agree

Anon: The fact that your fellow employees would feel it is necessary to join such a messed up organization should tell you how desperate they are! They feel that they have no choice.
George: There is a choice. People can choose to remain union free.

To read the entire question and answer click on the link below.

San Francisco Peninsula Press Club: More about the East Bay union vote

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