Thursday, June 19, 2008

Anonymous Comments No Longer Accepted

Anonymous comments are no longer welcome here, but if you have a burning desire to voice an opinion feel free to create a G-Mail account.


  1. Because it's Ed's blog.

    Nice logo.

  2. Still would like to know why?

  3. I don’t think this is just Ed’s blog anymore, it’s evolved into something more. First off remember the title of the blog... “Los Angeles Times Pressmen’s 20 Year Club”. I think Ed manages it, and we thank him for that, but I think it has grown from a just Ed’s and a place for the “20 Year Club” news for pressmen, to a place where ALL operations employees can express opinions on all kinds of issues without fear of retaliation. Whether your man or women, whether you work in the pressroom, platemaking, mailroom, newsprint production services, or operations departments!

    I don’t know what your reasons are for deciding that “Anonymous comments are no longer welcome here” but in my mind you have taken a giant step backward with respect to the value of this blog. Not all, in fact most of us, do not feel comfortable voicing our opinions like you and others, but we still have them and being “anonymous” allows us to be part of the process and that is good for everybody!

    Do what you will but what you have created is BIGGER than just “Ed’s Blog”......

  4. Maybe we can all come to an agreement. Anonymous is a good way to get many of the fly by people to write intersting things.

  5. Wolf, this is true. And Ed has the ability to allow comments that are conducive to the interests of the Pressmen. But when comments become degrading, obnoxious, and outright offensive, Ed should exercise his authority in what he allows (i.e. EDDO).

    As a contributor to this blog (as minute as it may be)I have the authority to allow or delete comments as Ed, but opt to allow him to decide those that are in the best of interest to his fellow pressmen.

    I'm not a pressman and am not on this blog to advise or counsel on the profession. I know nothing about it. I'm only here to offer a little variety and make things a bit lighter when time are tough.

    I WELCOME anonymous comments. I just prefer they are CIVIL.

    I'm sure you agree. Your comments seem to be in agreement with mine.

  6. I think the key is consistent moderation, whether or not you have anonymous postings. A google or gmail acct. is no guarantee of boundaries being respected.

    In regards to anonymous postings: they make sense if jobs are at stake and if the current work has a very bad vibe and people are afraid of losing both job and status.

    However, look at what a few of the anonymous posters were doing. They were vilifying and demeaning. They weren't making a statement about work conditions, rather they were using it as a shield to make incendiary comments.

    Those had absolutely nothing to do with jobs. Rather, they attacked one's character instead.

    I think that those who have gone through the process of creating a pseudonym for gmail or blogger have and do maintain their anonymity.

    Those who go to the bother are usually going to be 1. Serious about this blog; 2. Frequent commenters; 3. Will take more care about what they say --just in case someone does know who they are.

    Frankly, I think you should give this a go. With people creating accounts, they might be inspired to create blogs as well.

  7. The issue here is not “anonymous postings” but rather the postings that “attacked one's character” with “vilifying and demeaning” comments. “Consistent moderation” is the solution.... not eliminating anonymous postings.

    There is really no difference using “anonymous” or a “blogger pseudonym” that is anonymous, unless of course the “blogger pseudonym” is NOT really anonymous. Hummmmmm that couldn’t be true could it????

    The bottom line........ anonymous is anonymous no matter what you call it! For most of us anonymous is just a lot easier and quicker to use. ALL posts are all ready being reviewed and if ANY post, anonymous or not, is attacking a person’s character with vilifying and demeaning comments “press the delete button”. But if the post just disagrees with a particular point of view or person.... so be it!!!

  8. The issue here is not “anonymous postings” but rather the postings that “attacked one's character” with “vilifying and demeaning” comments. “Consistent moderation” is the solution.... not eliminating anonymous postings.

    There is really no difference using “anonymous” or a “blogger pseudonym” that is anonymous, unless of course the “blogger pseudonym” is NOT really anonymous. Hummmmmm that couldn’t be true could it????

    The bottom line........ anonymous is anonymous no matter what you call it! For most of us anonymous is just a lot easier and quicker to use. ALL posts are all ready being reviewed and if ANY post, anonymous or not, is attacking a person’s character with vilifying and demeaning comments “press the delete button”. But if the post just disagrees with a particular point of view or person.... so be it!!!

  9. Nubia said: “Ed should exercise his authority in what he allows (i.e. EDDO).” First , you need to know that it was I, who asked Ed P. to remove my post. I will admit, at first glance, it did appear to be offensive; however, it was aimed at a fictitious name. A liar to boot. An anonymous liar yet, and that left kanani, and nubia pretending to be disturbed, and or outraged. Well let me clue you all in on a little tidbit. Obama is in favor of all abortion, including partial birth abortion, and even for letting live babies that have survived late term abortions to be set aside, without comfort, care or food, and left to die on their own. Yet these two have voiced their support for this candidate and are even willing to vote for him. In light of the above, this, even after they have been duly informed of the consequences of their actions, is ludicrous. I would say they are suffering from selective indignation and or are being disingenuous. Get it together girls, there is nothing worse than a hysterical woman, let alone two of them at the same time. I have to ask the girls in favor of obamabortion, which is the worst, one supporting abortion or an off comment on a fictitious name? El aborto es homicidio. The Mexicans sure know how to say things plain and simple.

    I might also say, that I, had the decency to remove the post, and that is more than I can say for GRANDStupud and others. He offered a post that was an intentional obfuscation of the truth. He also repeated what I said, and after my request for deletion of my post, he left his there. Let us see if he has the decency to request that they be removed.

    Nubia also stated in an earlier post, “…..Share your camouflaged racist comments”…. I think, I proved her wrong on this one, and she did not come back to retract her comment, or say she was sorry; all there was silence. Should Ed P. have removed this also? Calling someone a racist, and wrongfully so, is pretty strong medicine.

    Now to get to the gist of this post, regarding anonymous postings, it is entirely up to Ed. However, if I had a say in it, considering the false inflammatory remarks made on this blog, I would not allow it. If you don’t have the courage to stand behind what you say, don’t say it. We are not living in China, Cuba, Russia and or some other country where free speech is not allowed.

  10. Old OC said...
    I don’t think this is just Ed’s blog anymore, it’s evolved into something more. First off remember the title of the blog... “Los Angeles Times Pressmen’s 20 Year Club”.

    Question: Are you a pressman?


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.