Monday, June 30, 2008

In Memory of Ken Reich

The reaction in the Blogosphere has been swift over the passing of Ken Reich a writer till the end.

Ken Reich, retired Times reporter, dies - Kevin Roderick

Word at the Los Angeles Times is that retired reporter Ken Reich, 70, died in his sleep. He was found this morning. Friend and former Tom Bradley deputy mayor Anton Calleia got the word to the Times. This note was sent to other retired LAT staffers who belong to an informal group that calls itself the Old Farts Society:

Since he didn't get the chance, here's for Ken Reich:
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Tribune’s Loyal Opposition Loses a Soldier - Paul Gillin

Veteran journalist Ken Reich, a 39-year employee of the Los Angeles Times, died in his sleep last night. He posted his final entry on Take Back the Times just hours before he died. Reich retired from the Times four years ago and almost immediately began blogging. His blog was notable for its fine writing, its insight into the inner workings of the paper and its withering criticism of Tribune Co. management. Reich was a friend to executives and pressmen alike and his voice of loyal opposition will be missed.

His daughter, Kathy, is asking visitors to Take Back the Times to share their memories and condolences.

Former Times reporter Ken Reich dies - Jesus Sanchez

Reich worked at the paper for more than three decades and served as The Times' main reporter covering the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Reich died in his sleep last night, according to close friend Anton Calleia.

While he retired in 2004, Reich remained very much interested in the goings-ons at the paper and maintained a blog, Take Back The Times, that was highly critical of Times' management and ongoing changes.

Ken Reich Dies In His Sleep - Mayrav Saar

FBLA was saddened to learn (via LA Observed) about the passing of Ken Reich. We hadn't known the former LAT reporter well, but he was definitely one of the nicer long-time staffers at the paper while we were there. And we were fans of his blog. He'll be missed.

Ken Reich - Rick Orlov

Former Los Angeles Times staffer Kenneth Reich, one of the unique characters of the Los Angeles news scene, has died. He was 70.Reich was one of those characters who, once you met him, you never forgot.He was passionate about his stories and his beliefs. He would lecture politicians _ he said privately and for their own good _ and then write stories about how they had reversed course when they followed his advice.

Ken Reich:Turn the Rules - Tell Zell

Word is spreading fast that ex-LATimer and blogger Ken Reich has died. What's extraordinary is that he apparently spent his last hours protesting what Sam Zell and the Tribune have done to the LA Times.

Ken Reich, A Final Farewell - Kanani Fong

This is the biography Los Angeles Times Journalist Ken Reich wrote about himself on his blog, Take Back The Times.

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