Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Obama Wins the Democratic Nomination

Friend –

I’m about to take the stage in St. Paul and announce that we have won the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

It’s been a long journey, and we should all pause to thank Hillary Clinton, who made history in this campaign. Our party and our country are better off because of her.

I want to make sure you understand what’s ahead of us. Earlier tonight, John McCain outlined a vision of America that’s very different from ours — a vision that continues the disastrous policies of George W. Bush.

But this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page on the policies of the past and bring new energy and new ideas to the challenges we face. Our time to offer a new direction for the country we love.

It’s going to take hard work, but thanks to you and millions of other donors and volunteers, no one has ever been more prepared for such a challenge.

Thank you for everything you’ve done to get us here. Let’s keep making history.



  1. Watching as this takes place here in MN.

  2. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Obama is a pro abort, including partial birth abortion and infanticide. Vote for him and suffer the consequences. He has a lot of other horrid traits, but these are surely an abomination.

    There are nine ways of being an accessory to another sin. By counsel - By command - By consent
    By provocation - By praise or flattery - By concealment - By partaking - By silence - By defense of the ill done.

    Vote for Obama and you too will have the blood of the innocents on your hands.

  3. What else, Eddo? HUH? Affairs? Incest? Drugs? Espionage? Extortion?

    Get over it. He's in and you can't unscramble eggs!

  4. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Nubia said - "Get over it. He's in and you can't unscramble eggs!"

    We might not be able to unscramble the eggs, but we don't have to eat them. The fact is that Obama voted no on the Born Alive Infants Protection Act which would have prevented a live birth baby from being left un fed and uncared for and left to die in a utility room because the parent(s) didn't want it.

    Obama is also for partial birth abortion in which a baby is induced to birth and while the head is exiting the birth canal, minutes before birth, scissors are stuck into the back of it's head and the brains ared sucked out.

    Now a person that is for any of this, including any abortion after conception is either evil or ignorant, or has something wrong with his thought process. A vote for Obama is a vote for this type of person. I know he is not ignorant, so he must be one of the other.

    As I said before, a person who votes for or supports Obama shares in his guilt and sin.

  5. Well, Eddo,
    So you're the one who plays single issue politics.
    Have fun on your island.

  6. Anonymous7:06 PM

    No Nubia, I am not a single issue voter, however, I do want what God wants first and then I look to other things. The instruction is "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well." God does not want us to kill his babies, therefore God does not want us to vote for one who is in favor of this abomination or is an enabler of such.

    One other thing Nubia, I am not standing alone on an island, and even if I were, I know God would be there with me. A majority does not make things right. Why do you think the founders of this country made it a democratic republic. I will tell you why, we are not a democracy of mass rule, becasue sometimes the masses are a bunch of asses. Now tell me you aren't one. Tell me you will do God's will and vote for one who is pro-life.

  7. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Let me redirect my comment. No Kanani, I am not a single issue voter, however, I do want what God wants first and then I look to other things. The instruction is "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well." God does not want us to kill his babies, therefore God does not want us to vote for one who is in favor of this abomination or is an enabler of such.

    One other thing Kanani, I am not standing alone on an island, and even if I were, I know God would be there with me. A majority does not make things right. Why do you think the founders of this country made it a democratic republic? I will tell you why, we are not a democracy of mass rule, because sometimes the masses are a bunch of asses. Now tell me you aren't one. Tell me you will do God's will and vote for one who is pro-life.

  8. Eddo,

    You are so right. You DON'T have to eat the eggs! But, in my book, running a campaign is not focused on one's personal beliefs, but on what's in the best interest of our country as a whole.

    We all have our beliefs and I certainly respect yours, but who (or how many) will vote for a candidate because he/she may believe in a particular issue?

    I will await your justification.

  9. For once, I whole-heartedly agree with Eddo.

    I may be a potato head, but I am also human.

  10. Eddo,

    As yourself, I am a true believer in God's word. And call me a hypocrite if you must, but I will be voting for Obama not based on his personal belief on abortion, but on the premise of the direction "I" think he may be able to steer this country.

    My thought is that it can't get any worse than it is already and if a candidate can convince me that 'it is our moment' then I'm on board. Barack Obama for President.

    "YES WE CAN."

    By the way, (1) read closely and you won't find 'island' anywhere in my comment, and (2) I can tell you I HAVE a nice ass, but am NOT one.

  11. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Mom always said " tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are" and " birds of a feather flock together". After 20 years with all these racist ministers it is quite apparent who Obama is! Sure is convenient to kick all his racist pals to the curb now that he wants to be president.

  12. As far as blood on their hands, Eddo, wouldn't that apply to anyone who has voted for war and sent not only the thousands here to their deaths and lifelong injuries, but also the thousands in other countries?

    I certainly respect your opinion to be against abortion, but I'd ask you to reconsider your statement about blood on their hands.

    I could take that same commment --anyone who supports the death penalty has blood on their hands.

    As far as being pro life, are you truly pro life if you don't support the continuum of life? Meaning, are you pro life if you don't support access to education, healthcare, and services that support the lifelong development of a person?

    I don't agree with your tactics, Eddo.

    I'm voting for Obama, and if you want to write me off as someone with blood on my hands, so be it. But you'll be writing off a lot of people --friends you might have had for ages as well.

  13. Anonymous9:05 AM


    This is always the order...

    #1 is God's law

    #2 is man's law

    Man's will change but God's doesn't. The majority doesn't rule in God's world!!!!!

  14. kanani said,
    "...anyone who supports the death penalty has blood on their hands..."

    There is only one thing that differentiates the death penalty from abortion- innocence.

  15. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Nubia, You asked what's in the best interest of our country as a whole? Like I said earlier, we have to do God's will first, otherwise we will have to suffer the consequences of our actions, either in this life or the next. We have been in a downhill slide, especially, since Roe vs. Wade. There were other major causes of our present demise, but I think we can pin our present condition on the number of abortions in this country since then. Well over 40 million due to surgical abortions and many many more due to contraceptives, which mainly are abortafacients. With the lack of santity of life displayed by those who indulge in such, is it any wonder why we have so many brutal murders in this country, rapes, and etc..

    Yes Nubia, if you support abortion in any way, you will have the blood of the innocents on your hands. I am not judging you, but you will have to answer to Jesus Christ in the end, as we all will, but I am certain that you would be gravely wrong in doing so. You also state you have a nice ass, to me that is an occasion of sin, or at least an opportunity for impure thoughts.

    Kanani said "As far as blood on their hands, Eddo, wouldn't that apply to anyone who has voted for war and sent not only the thousands here to their deaths and lifelong injuries, but also the thousands in other countries?" As far as wars go, there are just wars and unjust wars. For instance, WW1 and WW2 were just wars. Iraq may be another story, I don't have enough info to make that call, however, I was against it from the beginning and I don’t think it is a just war; but now that we are there we must continue till Iraq is able to defend itself. There is also justifiable homicide and unjustifiable homicide. There is a difference. Check your bible and you will see putting people to death by legal authority is justified, in fact it is mandated. Killing one who is invading your home or poses a grave threat to your person and or family is justified. I hope you see the difference

    Kanani also said “As far as being pro life, are you truly pro life if you don't support the continuum of life? Meaning, are you pro life if you don't support access to education, healthcare, and services that support the lifelong development of a person? “ You are comparing apples to oranges. They are not the same, abortion is a grave sin. Denying access to education is not. All persons in the U.S. have access to education, emergency healthcare. The U.S. Constitution says nothing about these. Look what a failure the educational system has been in many instances. I have better ideas on these than what is presently in place. Nationalized healthcare would be a step in the wrong direction. Look at England and Canada. People from all over the world strive for access to U. S. healthcare. Kanani also said “But you'll be writing off a lot of people --friends you might have had for ages as well.” So be it. Jesus also said what does it merit a man if he inherits the whole world, but loses his soul.

    I am also in a huge hurry, so if I omitted anything or mistated something let me know. I need to go to an exhibitors meeting - like right now.

  16. Pardon me, Pal, but it was YOU who initially mentioned ASSES! I was simply acknowledging that I HAVE a nice ass, but AM NOT AN ASS! HELLO!

    And what about the INNOCENT death row inmates? Give me a break.

    I see you're in a hurry, but not enough of a hurry to write a synopsis on what YOU think is the gospel.

    I'm still not sold on your view and am adamant in my belief that (regardless of what you think)Obama is the choice FOR ME. You're welcomed to bring all the religious jargon into this as you wish. Let's just agree to disagree.

    Now don't you DARE miss your exhibitors' meeting and have a good evening!

  17. This discourse is just too deep for my potato head. I would however, truly appreciate it (sin or no sin) if Nubia posted pictures of her self-proclaimed, nice ass.

  18. eddo said:

    "Nubia, You asked what's in the best interest of our country as a whole?"

    That's where you're wrong. I didn't ask a question, I made a statement!

    "...running a campaign is not focused on one's personal beliefs, but on what's in the best interest of our country as a whole."

    Try reading a little closer before commenting. That's the second time in this exchange that this has happened.

    Hey grandspud....you made me LOL!

  19. nubia said,
    "...Hey grandspud...you made me LOL..."

    Yes, unfortunately, that is response I always get from beautiful women.

  20. HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!

    Thanks for bringing a little laughter to this exchange:-)

  21. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Do you really think there will be any changes?
    As Ralph Nader said," It dosen't matter who's elected, the White House is a Corporate Prision".
    As George Carlin said," There is only an illusion that your vote matters, this County is bought and sold, there's a club and you ain't in it".

  22. I have an idea. Let's just skip having a president this term.

    Can we do that?


  23. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Wouldn't it be great if everyone knew as much about the members of congress and the administration as they do about the players of their favorite sports teams.
    We might have a fully informed and involved electorate.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.