Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Paul Gillin Visits the Los Angeles Times

Blogging has allowed this simple pressman to meet writers from all walks of life, that I would have never crossed paths with in any other manner. But most importantly, I am able to communicate with my colleagues on events that can and will affect their livelihood, with all the ado happening at newspapers across the country.

Yesterday I was honored with a visit from Paul Gillin, who writes Newspaper Death Watch, don’t allow the name of Paul’s blog fool you into believing he writes a doomsday blog on newspapers. He actually reports on trends in the newspaper industry, with a listing of newspapers that have folded, and offers his readers and newspaper executives hints and tips for improving the bottom line, increasing circulation and advertising.

I was directly moved by Paul’s blog into using Twitter, which my newspaper the Los Angeles Times (The employees own the place) has also employed. Others newspaper will jump onboard as this handy tool becomes the standard way of passing information in a short and quick manner.

Paul has a nice article on his visit to the Los Angeles Times Olympic Production Facility at Newspaper Death Watch.

Thank you Paul

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:15 PM

    "A Visit to the LA Times - Newspaper Death Watch"

    Interesting article... but Ed you need to get your facts straight before you allow yourself to be quoted.

    You properly should stick to what you know something about, being a press operator, rather than misleading people about the Times operation!


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