Saturday, June 14, 2008

Save Our Trade: 52 Annual North American Newspaper Conference

Orange County Pressman, Ronnie Pineda, attended the North American Newspaper Conference and shares his experience at Save Our Trade. Click on the title or the link below to be redirected to Ronnie's article.

52 Annual North American Newspaper Conference


  1. Anonymous6:34 PM


    Who picked up your expenses (hotel and food) for this trip? Did you take vacation time to attend?

    With gas at $4.50 per gallon it must have been tough taking that money from the home budget to get there... or did you fly?

  2. Ronnie sure loves Ronnie.

  3. I have unselfishly devoted countless hours over the last 8 years in an effort to improve our position with the company. All the while, assisting many of my fellow presspersons with countless questions, problems, work related and personal situations. I do not seek anything in return nor have I accepted anything for my commitment to my brothers and sisters in the pressrooms.

    To anon 1, what the hell do you care how my expenses were covered, it wasn't you! I did use MY vacation time, and I drove compared to flying to save money, again not yours.

    Grandspud, You must love me in some sick way, obviously because you can never seem to see beyond my name when reading my posts.

    Mr. Potato Head should be insulted to be compared to you.

  4. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Ronnie unselfishly devoted countless said "All the while, assisting many of my fellow presspersons with countless questions, problems, work related and personal situations". Ronnie who annointed you to the responibility of asissting employees? We have mgmt. that has done a fine job with many programs for asisstance . You disagree obviously with this statement. The company needs to stay competitive in a dying industry and they need to pull out all things possible to ensure our success. No I am not happy to see people that I have known for decades leave the company but I think we all agree something needs to happen to improve the outlook for this compay. A union is needed when work conditions, pay benefits etc. are not exceptable. Your existing pay and benefits are outstanding along with all your perks.
    I think you should be ashamed of yourself for bringing all of this on the employees here. Now your organization wants to boycott our advertisers? Does this make you proud? We can not afford to lose more revenue and your dispicable tactics will only hasten more layoffs for the very people you claim to care about.

    When the time has passed to decertify this mistake I will gladly volunteer to help your people sign cards to rescind this union. "Of course on my own time".


  5. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Who's money did you use Ronnie?

  6. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Hey Ronnie....

    Did the union pick up the tab for your trip?

    If they did, that means the workers paid for your trip! I wonder if that is how they wanted their dues spent???

  7. You are everyone's hero!!!

  8. Anonymous10:19 AM

    vacation time . . check
    drove own car . . check
    meals and hotel costs ???

    You receive good pay and benefits. Outstanding by some measures. You are looking to the company to maintain these benefits indefinitely to preserve your current lifestyle in an uncertain economy, and biting the hand that feeds you by sending out letters to the company's source of income. Less money from advertisers -- less money ends up in the workers paycheck.

  9. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Well here we go again. A person is willing to take their own time and expense to go to a conference and inform people of what is going on in the industry and all he gets is a load of negative crap.
    MR OC see if your benefits and working conditions improve without representation. I can't beleive you are that naive. Times Mirror and the Chandlers are gone man, its never going back to those days. You really are going to need that help no matter how good you feel about yourself.

  10. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Well Lou Nicosia because we have a difference in opinion that makes me naive? Your opinion does not matter. Stay out of the process that is taking place here.Do we the employees of the LA Times get involved at your employer Newsday?

    What is your prescious union doing to save the jobs at Newsday? How many are layoffs are there going to be?


  11. Anonymous1:33 PM

    "A person is willing to take their own time and expense to go to a conference and inform people of what is going on in the industry and all he gets is a load of negative crap."

    Ya sure.... and if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell to you!

    Why can't you just tell us the truth!

  12. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Ronnie, Don't lose the faith. All those posting against you are, as I said the last time I talked to you, are mere dissenting voices to the truth who speaks. Don't forget, they are like dogs returning to their vomit.

  13. Anonymous8:10 PM

    "I have unselfishly devoted countless hours over the last 8 years in an effort to improve our position with the company."

    Most people receive these types of comments from others NOT from themselves... Don't break your arm Ronnie!!!!!

    To bad you haven't done your "real" job as well!!

  14. ronnie piƱata said,
    "I have unselfishly devoted countless hours over the last 8 years in an effort to improve our position with the company..."

    Hey, no wonder this potato head has had it so good the last eight years. Ronnie has been protecting me from the big, bad company.

  15. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Dear Potatoe Header,

    If you had been paying attention you would be truly informed as to why the Union was voted in.
    We should make you a pretty graf with color and show you a line that would represent the take aways over the years. Then by shear power of your deductive reasoning you could extrapolate that line into the very near future.Comprende? Believe me we know we have a good package, it use to be a great one. We just want to keep what we have.

  16. Anonymous8:04 AM

    You gave away what you have when you voted the union in!!!!

  17. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Any more “junkets” planned Ronnie, at the expense of the union members?

  18. Anonymous said,
    "...We should make you a pretty graf with color..."

    Language Arts Lesson
    - The sound this week is the consonant team /ph/ as found at the beginning of phase and the end of graph.
    - Emphasize the /ph/ sound often throughout the day. Have your child repeat the sound with you.
    - Now practice writing the words

  19. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Hey Ronnie...

    Why is it when someone leaves a comment on the blog above, unless it is pro-union it never gets posted?

    I guess it is true the UNION only wants us to hear and see what they want us to hear and see!

    Oh and by the way I'm not your "brother" or your "sister"!!!!!

  20. Anonymous12:04 PM

    As soon as I signed off I realised that I spelled Graph as Graf.
    Funny that I would do that even when I made it to Calculus in college.
    I just knew someone would have a field day with it.

  21. Anon said,
    "...As soon as I signed off I realised that I spelled Graph as Graf..."

    Hey, no problem guy. BTW, it is spelled realized but who cares.

    I'll bet you kick-ass at finding derivatives and all that calculus kind of stuff.

    (Hope I never make a typo or I'll have hell to pay for being such a smart-ass potato head.)

  22. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Anon said: "Any more “junkets” planned Ronnie, at the expense of the union members?" Hey, Even if his meals and hotel were paid for, it ain't no biggie compared to some boondoggles I've seen. Wayne Bean and METROUSERS was one of the biggest. It looked like vendors were being shaken down to participate and then cooerced into taking everybody out to dinner every night.

    They took in a huge amount of cash and then the board of directors and their wifes, including the clown - aka Wayne Bean, would spend the proceeds on themselves for a great three or four day weekend in a major U. S. city ALL EXPENSES COVERED INCLUDING TRAVEL. Quit your sniveling.

  23. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Patatoe said,
    I'll bet you kick-ass at finding derivatives and all that calculus kind of stuff.

    Would it not be correct to say, I'll bet you are or you're kick-ass
    yada yada.

    If I was British then using an s instead of z would be correct for realisze.

    But don't argue the point.
    Make fun of a typo.

  24. Anonymous7:41 PM


    Again it appears your getting your facts from the "gossip mill" again!

    Did you ever see an expense report? I bet you didn't.... sounds like sour grapes to me.

    Poor Eddo...... Wanted to be the man but nobody wanted him!

  25. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Mr OC it wasn't my intention to insult you. When I said naive I meant only to say that you couldn't possibly beleive things will return to the way they were at one time under a different company.
    The reason I post comments (under my own name) is only because I care about working men and women and I truly feel the only way to survive under the corporate wave is to be together under a collective bargaining agreement. Look whats happening to the middle class of our country.Everyday you see if not ourselves others close by going under because of corporate greed.
    Remember they had a CEO under whos leadership the company lost 30% of its value? They gave him a $4 million bonus, then when the company was sold they gave him a suitcase full of more money then we will make in 3 lifetimes.
    Then we hear how bad they are doing and all the cuts are directed our way.
    In a fair world, people go to work and do an honest days work for an honest days pay and everything is fair. Unfortunetly we don't live in that world.
    I am only motivated by those reasons I am not on commission or receive any compensation for trying to get the message out.

  26. Anonymous6:56 AM

    To Lou Nicosia I do realize that things will not go the way there were 10,20,30 ago. I have been the one that has been saying we need to be competitive. I have NEVER said or believe things should be as they were in the past. The LAT pressroom is in a time warp from decades ago.


  27. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Anon said "Again it appears your getting your facts from the "gossip mill" again!"

    Did you ever see an expense report?

    The fact that the board of directors and their spouses going on an all expenses paid trip to spend all of the money earned that year was told to me by none other than "the clown". He told me it was in the by-laws of METROUSERS. I have no reason to doubt this. Check out the bylaws if you wish.

    Just in cse one is reading this, who doesn't know who "the clown" is, let me explain. We called Wayne Bean this becasue he so reminded us of the drunken clown in the Uncle Buck Movie. We thought it to personify him perfectly. Attitude, arrogance, ah heck, just watch the segment of the "drunken clown in the uncle buck movie" on YouTube. You'll get the picture. It will give you one hell of a good laugh. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  28. Anonymous7:27 AM

    hey people news update. BANKRUPTCY!!!haha graandpud when the goverment takes over your pension;maybe you can blog from work since you won't be able to afford internet,or unsolicited english lessons.nice avatar granpud!do you think you can make one for your favorite on/off ramp?

  29. Hey, Philip C. So nice to see you're still around.



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