Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Save Our Trade: June 16th & 17 Negotiations Update

By Ronnie Pineda

As expected, the company representatives immediately expressed their concern over our decision to communicate with our advertisers. The exchange did get pretty heated with both sides defending their positions. They are aware of our rights under the NLRA and also realize we were within our rights in doing so.

Naturally we expected some criticism for this decision, but those who support our effort to negotiate a fair collective bargaining agreement understood that there is only one way to get management's attention, and that is financially.

It works on all of us, hit our wallet and they've got our attention too!

To be redirected to the entire article, click on link below.

Save Our Trade: June 16th & 17 Negotiations Update


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    why bother?rome is burning:your 401k,and pension fund are in serious jeopardy.the time to leave was during the last buyout.
    the company could default on loans,and go into bankruptcy.the danger for all employees is whether or not the goverment takes over the pension fund.if so expect to recieve forty percent of your current valuation.

  2. Anonymous10:55 AM

    What's 40% of nothing.
    I saw pessman after 30 years of service walk away with $400 a month.
    After inflation in 10 years you couldn't feed the family pet.
    Now the pension fund from the Teamsters,thats a sweet deal.
    I'll bet when the house of cards fall, Zell will walk away with his money and all the real estate.
    And guess who will be holding the wrong end of the stick?
    As Sam Kinison used to say, " which hand has the ball in it?
    It's in the pocket. You people are so stupid, it's always in the pocket."

  3. Anonymous11:00 AM

    They never should have let Zell leverage such a debt for this company. Many raised the red flag.
    Why did they not let Eli Broad and Burkle buy it. Something about keeping the power in Chicago and screw the West Coast.
    Geffen must be in the waiting for a great discounted paper.
    Better sell Zell.

  4. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Ronnie you are a fool. I hope when the company has another round of layoffs for your department they target enough people sweep you out if that place. You are a toxic poison. Your organization is the mafia and it became obvious to all this week didnt it..

  5. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Ronnie, Don't let these idots rattle you. That is the only reason they are posting against the union. They are trying to drive a wedge between you. With The Times and The Trib in such dire finacial straights, they won't dare chance a strike, lock-out, or try to bring scabs into operate the plant. They would be belly-up in no time at all. You don't want this either, but it is a great time to be calling their bluff. Hang in there.

  6. Ronnie PiƱata said,
    "...As expected, the company representatives immediately expressed their concern over our decision to communicate with our advertisers..."

    Hey Ronnie, I have a grand idea. After we drive our advertisers away, let's do something really intelligent. Let's beat the f**k out of ourselves!

  7. Ou 401k plans are secure and were not used to finance this takeover.
    I have a strong feeling you will see other parts of this company sold off as payments become due.
    I think a person does not become a billionaire by being foolish.There is a master plan in there somewhere.
    Don't panic.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.