Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thursday Afternoon Links

Button Pressroom Employees at Newsday Are Wearing


  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Those two hores on the Teamsters logo sure look great. Much better than the masses of asses running the show and writing the liberal abominations at The L. A. Slimes. You all owe your brothers and sisters at Newsday a prayer for their safety and prosperity; and a word of thanks for their support.

  2. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Unfortunately people wearing buttons in NY isnt going to help us get a contract. San Diego has no contract for 3 years now so much for our powerful union!

  3. San Diego's negotiations are near completion, Santa Barbara Newspress has been ordered to reinstate all 8 reporters back to work with full back pay, and The Teamsters will negotiate a contract here at the L.A. Times no matter how long it takes.

    Our powerful union is the only reason owners like Copley, McCaw and Sam Zell can be challenged when they seek profits off the backs of the same employees who have made their newspapers tons of money.

    I had the opportunity to thank Local 406's President Dennis Grabhorn, Lou Nicosia, Mike Laspina, Zach Dowdey and big Darren for all their support. They want all of you to hang in there and know that they are behind us 100%

    Together we stand......

  4. eddo wildbelcher said,
    "...Those two hores on the Teamsters logo sure look great..."

    Eddo, it is obvious you misspelled the 3rd word in your post.

    What is not so obvious, however, is whether the letter you ommitted was an "S" in position #4 or a "W" in position #1.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.