Wednesday, July 16, 2008

LA Times Employees Welcome to Use Meeting Room

Back in the day employees at the Los Angeles Times had their own credit union, called the Los Angeles Times Federal Credit Union. One of the Tribune bean counters felt the credit union cost more than it was worth, and terminated all the employees of our credit union. Funny how simple things like shedding employees can come back to haunt you when you least expect it. Bruce at City Side Credit Union has offered his meeting room to anyone from the Times that would like to hold union meetings, with prior notice.

Here’s what Bruce had to say:
Pressmen and others welcome to use conf. room at credit union for free. Call Bruce at 213-402-4850 for details and to reserve the room. Posting a while back stated that credit union was changing and going in same direction as Tribune.
Fact is, we had no choice - we were kicked out. They took away our benefits,access to Times building and made us change our name. We are still owned by the people and for the people.

Thank you Bruce.

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