Thursday, July 17, 2008

Los Angeles Times Union Meeting

I had the pleasure of meeting Sonny Shannon at the union meeting held at Shakey’s Pizza Parlor in East Los Angeles earlier tonight. It’s very pleasing knowing we have someone of Mr. Shannon’ caliber bargaining for the men and women of the Los Angeles Times Pressrooms.

The future president of our local, Ronnie Pineda, gave our group an update as to the status of negotiating with the Tribune Company. We also heard from Mike Huggins regarding the negotiations and explained that the company could have a contract completed within one week if they really wanted to bargain in good faith.

Marty Keegan was busy with the editorial personnel that surprisingly came to our meeting.

What had us all on the floor was Sonny’s explanation of how a certain Tribune representative was told in so many words to keep his mouth shut by Tribune council. Too bad Tribune council was not available before the union election to give this certain individual the same advice.

Union negotiations resume on July 30th.

Ronnie Pineda


  1. Sonny is the best at what he does and has a history with the company's lead counsel, they have negotiated in the past. They appear to understand eachother very well and that doesn't appear to be a bad thing.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence Ed for the presidency of our future Local but that position as well as all executive board positions are filled by secret ballot election by the membership, and anyone is eligible to run for these positions. Go Barak Obama!

    Democracy now exists at the Times!

  2. Ronnie, I have told you before that you should let the spokes holes do the talking for you and the union. Now you have really stuck your foot in your mouth.

    Barak Obama!!! Are you crazy or just ignorant. Do you realize this guy is the most pro-abort politician to arrive on the scene since Margaret Sanger . He is even for lettting babies that have survived abortions, to be set aside without care, to die. Wake up man. He would even agreee to letting his own grand children to be aborted. Do you think he gives a rat's ass for you?

    Every gain that you high earnings press folks make, would be taken away by higher gas prices and higher income taxes. Renounce your sins man and come clean.

    Take note - democrocy does not exist at The Times. You don't even have a contract yet. Also, history dictates that democrocy is the last step before anarchy. You don't even have freedom of speech in the work place, let alone a democrocy, for crying out loud.

    Just for your eddofication, we live in a Republic, albeit it a democratic republic, if we can hang onto it.

  3. Eddo,

    I appreciate your support and advice, but I do, and always do, speak for myself. I apolgize for forgetting about your strong convictions. I have read your comments about Obama and his position regarding abortion.

    Politics and Religion, the two most avoided subjects in conversation. I don't wish to debate them either, too dangerous, especially here! That should prove I'm not crazy, or ignorant.

    The joke was meant to imply that Barak would run for the presidency of the local, I could have easily said go McCain, but I'm not sure he'll be alive when we get a contract.

    Can we reduce this to a toe in the mouth? No harm, No Sin?

  4. Ronnie, Thanks for the honest reply. No harm done. It looks like you are on the right track, hold their feet to the fire.

    I know unions make political contributions, make sure yours goes to the right cause. Fac recte - nil time, that is, do right - fear nothing. It is a good motto to live by.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.