Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Real News

This city need’s real News.

With so much money disappearing from the State budget, I’d for one, Love to see an in-depth report that would audit the entire Sate Budget, and account for every last dollar spent, and let the people see how our money is/isn’t working for us. See how much of the politicians fat pockets get greased by who? I’d love to read a story about how much energy is wasted by frivolous agencies. Can someone explain the City of Los Angeles Special Service Department? What do they do?

Can we find out how much money is wasted each year, by allowing the State of California to appeal death penalty cases for more than 20 years? Why not just give them Life terms and save all that money appealing the cases for 20 or more years? Can I get a story on that?

Why do we not fire poor performing teachers, cops, and all Sate Employees? It seems to me that you have to kill someone before they can you, when you work for the State.

Why do we do business with a Rouge nation like China, that is 100% Communist in belief, help them build an infrastructure that allows this country to export our jobs, all while we condemned Fidel Castro and wanted to part of his Cigars?

Why are we defending people in other countries, while our inner city kids are killed at a higher rate than our soldiers in Iraq?

What is the cost of Welfare to the State of California? The Governor is planning to cut wages for State employees, why doesn’t he cut benefits to ALL ILLEGAL aliens? How much would that save the state? Can I get a story on that?

Can I get a report on what happened to all the Money that was allocated to the State of California for Fire infrastructure after the first major Malibu fire occurred over 20 years ago? I’d like to see what relationship the Bidders and Contractors for the State of California have with High ranking officials?

Can I get a story on all the Library’s that will close if measure 1a passes, and our children whom we pay taxes, so they can enjoy the benefits of our parents hard labor, is now in jeopardy, because our State officials are feeling sorry for the Illegal that are in our State? Whose side are the Politicians on? My side or their side? Can I get a story on that?

Why do we not have a story on the success of Voucher systems in the State of California? Why do you not report the facts on how competition is good, and how people will rise to the occasion? Instead we feel sorry for people and tell them that the State will take care of them.

I bet if we had real journalism we would flourish. Instead we cater to the one side of Los Angeles that represents 10% of the Counties Population. Listen, I understand that they have the money, but they will never have the numbers.


  1. Great post, Wolf, and RIGHT ON POINT!

  2. I agree.....

    Love it, Keep it up!


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