Friday, July 04, 2008

Take Back the Times: Eulogy for our Father

Due too the holiday weekend I'm certain many were unable to attend Ken Reich's services yesterday, that would have wanted to be there. Ken's children have posted the eulogy for their father on his blog Take Back the Times, which will give you a feel for Ken Reich.

By Kathy and David Reich

My sister and I worked on this together, and we are so grateful that you are here today. Dad always loved a good funeral. He would come home from a
funeral, call one of us, and proceed to give the funeral a review. So Kathy and I are really feeling the pressure to make this funeral a memorable one.

We’ve been truly overwhelmed by the incredible postings on his blog and the emails and phone calls. Many people have focused on Dad’s impressive
accomplishments as a journalist. But just as many people have commented on what a proud father he was. Today I want to talk about our Dad as Kathy and I knew him.

Dad was, at heart, a great idealist, even a champion for social justice. In high school in the 1950’s, he would insist on having his Latino, African American, and Native American friends over to dinner, even when some of my grandparents’ friends were appalled.

Entire eulogy can be read by following the link below.

Take Back the Times: Eulogy for our Father

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