Friday, July 18, 2008

Wisconsin State Journal tests two-section paper

Memo from Wisconsin State Journal's managing editor

From: Tim Kelley
Sent: Thu 7/17/2008 5:23 PM
Subject: two-section WSJ

Beginning Monday, Aug. 4, and on Mondays through August, we will test a two-section paper with our readers. Each Monday, the paper’s news and features will appear in the first section, and sports and classified will appear in the second section.

The two-section approach will reduce the overall number of pages printed without substantially reducing newshole. Eventually, we may consider running two sections Monday through Wednesday. The typical paper size would be 32 to 36 pages. These would be straight runs operating under current deadlines and makeover points.

Also, starting this Sunday, advance-printed Sunday features will be published in two sections rather than three. Adventure will appear inside Lifestyle. As with the two-section paper, a two-section Sunday advance run will reduce pages printed while not eliminating regular features.

Ellen and I will be discussing content and schedule changes to the paper with editors this week and next week. We’ll provide more information to all staff as it becomes available.


VIA: Romenesko

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