Monday, August 18, 2008

Eddie Meets Eddy

As I drove towards Venice Beach I felt it important to hear what our new publisher had to share, and exited the 101 Freeway at Spring Street to attend Eddy’ first meeting, I can always visit Venice Beach another day.

After the standing room only one-hour meeting in Chandler Auditorium came to a close, I was pleased that I had opted to attend the meeting.

Eddy Hartenstein explained how he enjoyed lunch with Sam Zell several months ago, and was actually shocked when Sam called him personally asking if he would be interested in taking the helm of the Los Angeles Times. Remember that Eddy was retired and said “I do not need this job” but being a loyal Los Angeles Times reader the last forty-five years he agreed to take on this challenge, and step out of retirement.

The editorial folks are not a shy group and asked Eddy many questions with the main question aimed at further cuts at the Los Angeles Times. Eddy replied that Sam Zell has not given him any numbers or agenda, but did tell him he would be in charge of the newspaper, and if Sam micro managed the newspaper from Chicago Eddy said he would resign.

As Eddy posed for a picture with the Blogging Pressman, I asked if he attended Alhambra High School, and he answered yes, he was in the class of 1968. I was a freshman when he was a senior at Alhambra High School, so our paths have crossed many years ago.

My ex-wife Debi Taylor-Padgett called and told me she had worked with Eddy at Hughes/Direct TV many years ago and said her experience with him was very positive.

The Blogging Pressman will give Eddy a thumbs up for the time being, and anticipates we will see much more of him in all of the LA Times Departments throughout the newspaper.

The Blogging Pressman (Eddie) meets the new publisher (Eddy) of the Los Angeles Times.

And Kevin Roderick adds: Hartenstein's first meeting

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I'm sold on the "six Degrees of Separation" theory as MY old boss becomes YOUR new boss!!!

    Hope you all will enjoy Eddy as much as we did at Hughes Communications!!!

    He's a super guy!!!


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