Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I Love Work

I was made to work. That is what I feel every morning that I wake up. It is my obligation to produce results in every area of my life. These are my expectations of Life. Results drive opinions. Poor results, poor opinions. Great results, great opinions. Very simple in life, yet very moving. Knowing what pieces to use in a chest match, is part of your strategy for ultimate results. In like manner, floundering talent, and wasting time by not moving the correct people to the correct assignment has always been fall of many great companies. Not being able to turn on a dime is the difference between having and not having. We can blame each other all we want for this current economic mess we are in, but I feel like I want to do something fresh, and something challenging that I can tangible see a Metrics established for it, and be measured by everyone else. I would love to sell the News Paper. I think that would be fun work. At the end, our goal should remain the same. I want to keep working. If that means not getting that pay raise so I can keep working, than be it. I will cut on my lavish spending, and tighten my belt, and tell my kids, we don't have enough for that toy today. Hey, life is not fair! We are in some ruff times, and boy, do we need to wake up to reality. People in the Sudan, are no longer getting ANY food. It is to expensive. Tonight over 5,000 children will die around the world, and most of them will die as a result of malnourishment. A lack of food. Can you believe that? What the world needs right now, is people who Love to work. People who care about Life, people who want to produce, and help those that really need help. I Love work.

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