Friday, August 08, 2008

In Memory of my Son - Bryan Padgett R.I.P.

Unbelievable as it feels an entire year has gone by since the Los Angeles Coroner paid our family a visit with the dreadful news that my son Bryan Padgett (24) had been killed while street racing just a few miles away in Azusa, CA.

As a direct results of my son being killed while street racing I have been working behind the scenes to bring the awareness level up a notch on the possible results of street racing to young men and women, which led to my meeting with Sammy Maloof.

About an hour after the news arrived regarding Bryan’s death, I blogged on feelings at the moment which prompted many to ask me “How could you blog about your son’s death Ed?” had to answer this question with another question “How could I not blog about Bryan?”.

Through my blog I met Jane Clawson from New Jersey, she has always been so supportive, and just a short time ago her teenaged son Kevin Clawson was struck by a van and killed instantly. This revealed to me we do not have chance meetings with others, there are reasons our paths cross.

One of the most bizarre online meetings was from Edward D. Padgett Jr. (this is my exact name), from Tulsa, Oklahoma, seems Edward was running a Google search for his son Bryan Padgett (my son’s exact name) and came across my son’s information online. Edward’s Bryan was killed in August in an auto accident, but 15 years ago. Many may find this difficult to believe, click here to be redirected to his web page called Padgett Machine.

Our family will be gathering at Bryan’s grave to mark the one-year anniversary of his death, with the gathering moving to P.J. Phillips in La Verne, everyone is welcome to join us.



  1. You and your family were in my thoughts and prayers today, Edward.
    There is no greater pain than losing a child, and I find that the love and comfort others give can shoulder some of the sorrow for a while. I hope Bryan visits you in your dreams...may God bless you and yours. Hugs....

  2. All I can offer is my prayers. They are yours.


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