Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Let's talk about character - Sammy Maloof

What is character? Character is who you are behind closed doors when there is nobody else around you. This is who you really are. Integrity is who you are in front of the people. People will see who you are before they hear who you are. On a daily base you need to challenge your character. If you do not challenge your character your integrity will never grow. When you challenge your character, judge yourself. You need to qualify yourself to produce a victorious future otherwise you will stay in the same position, the same state of mediocrity, the same hole that you have dug and you know what, you can't complain about it. You can't blame anyone; you can't point the finger. You simply need to stop making excuses and get out of the state of mediocrity and start challenging your character.

I would start making a list of all the areas in my life that I need to tighten up. Such as my attitude, my thought process, organizing my home, my garage, my vehicles, and keeping them in order. I would start doing things on a daily base that generate self respect and character. This will automatically qualify you to be around people who celebrate the type of person that you can become instead of tolerating the person you are.

I love you guys very much. The ones who love you the most are the ones who are willing to risk the chance of losing you to tell you the truth or to push you to another level. God bless you all with health and prosperity.

Your brother,


Watch for Sammy on the Daystar Network The JONI Show August 14 and 21. . Show times are: 6:00 am, 3:30 pm, 7:30 pm & 1:00 am central time.


  1. I like this guy! Quite inspiring.

  2. Sammy,

    If you are reading this, I love your shop. I have been there on 4 occasions. I met you thru Larry Zavala back in 96 & 97. Thank you for the word's of encouragement. My Neighbor went to school with you @ Don Bosco. Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, Citizenship are the 6 pillars of Character, that I try to abide by. You have touched on many on this page. This can explain why you have been great at what you have done. Thank you once again.


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