Thursday, August 21, 2008

Save Our Trade: Back on Track!

The negotiating team representing the men and women at the two remaining Los Angeles Times Production Facilities (Pressroom) are hard at work against a foe that will not bargain in good faith. I have stated this before, which prompted a Tribune Boss to ask? “So you’re saying we are breaking the law and not bargaining in good faith”, yes this is what I am saying.

On Monday our new publisher told a joke regarding two liars, here’s my joke about two liars with different players.

Tribune Boss: I don’t want to fire any employee.
Pressroom Employee: I believe every word you say.

My hats off to Ronnie Pineda and my other colleagues on the negotiating committee for standing firm against individuals that would sell the pressroom employees out, for their own personal gain.

Follow the links that also cover this story:
Save Our Trade
Tell Zell
Fishbowl Los Angeles

Save Our Trade: Back on Track!

1 comment:

  1. Ronnie PiƱata said,

    ...or I [Ronnie] can submit another list [seniority] and take the heat. My view is that if we can correct the obvious errors, there should be no heat to take...

    I wondered how I was going to keep myself entertained once the Olympics were over. This will be a riot:)


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