Friday, August 15, 2008

Summer Yard Sale on Saturday

This is a repost from MetBlogs by Sean Bonner

Some of you might remember last years Yard Sale which was super fun and the biggest success in yard sale history (we missed the Garage Sale record by $18.20). So we’re doing it again. This Saturday, August 16th, we’ll be pulling out all the stuff from our closets and storage spaces that we no longer want, putting little price tage stickers on them, stacking them up and keeping our fingers crossed that you feel our prices are fair and decde to purchase them and take them home to love them all on your own. What kind of things will we have? Clothes for sure, a bunch of furniture, CDs and DVDs, electronics, some kitchen stuff (some which was probably a wedding gift that’s never even been used), toys, art, posters, bike crap, tools, and I’m guessing lots of other stuff. Several bloggers on this site (and their friends) are aiming to bring a few boxes of stuff to sell, Markland is threatening to bring a BBQ, and I’ll be bringing the ruckus. I guess there will also be some food and drinks and stuff, and probably some of it will be vegan friendly. So, you should come buy our stuff. I promise you won’t have buyers remorse till at least the next day.

Sale is at 1724 Golden Gate Ave [map] in Silver Lake, will start at 10am* and finish up around 3pm or when ever every single thing is gone, which ever comes earlier. Or later. See you there!

*And just to reiterate 10am means 10am, it doesn’t mean 9am or 8:45am or 7am or 9:20am it means 10am. Everytime I’ve ever had a yardsale some smartalic thinks he/she is going to show up an hour early and clean the place out, and everytime said smartalic ends up standing around grumpy for an hour because we weren’t ready until the time we said we’d be. So, we’ll be selling stuff from 10am on, not before. Got it?

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