Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Users Beware of Phony MSNBC Web Page

The following message arrived this afternoon and appeared at first glance to be legitimate, news alert from MSNBC, but looks are deceiving on the Internet. All the links embedded in the email were direct paths to MSNBC, with the exception of one link that actually brought the unsuspecting user to a site in Poland. Once at the foreign site a pop up message appears stating you will not be able to view the video until the latest version of Flash Player is downloaded, if you click yes to begin downloading from the site in Poland, no telling what could be installed onto your hard drive?

As an example click here LAObserved and you will be redirected to the Los Angeles Times online edition of the newspaper, yet some users could be misdirected. What you see is not always where you land when messages arrive from users you do not know.

Phony Message Below BREAKING NEWS: Microsoft buys over AOL

Find out more at <-Dangerous site was embedded here

See the top news of the day at, and the latest from Today Show and NBC Nightly News.

This e-mail is never sent unsolicited. You have received this MSNBC Breaking News Newsletter
newsletter because you subscribed to it or, someone forwarded it to you.

To remove yourself from the list (or to add yourself to the list if this
message was forwarded to you) simply go to, select unsubscribe, enter the
email address receiving this message, and click the Go button.

Microsoft Corporation - One Microsoft Way - Redmond, WA 98052

1 comment:

  1. Too late for me. Received the warning at work AFTER I click on what I thought was MSNBC Breaking News. Had to contact administrator to fix it.

    Back to normal now, but it sure SUCKS!


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