Thursday, September 11, 2008

Advice Goddess Now Carried by LA CityBeat

Advice Goddess, Amy Alkon, is now published in Los Angeles CityBeat, and should be added to the Tribune’s syndication. Not to be confused with Tribune’s syndicated advice columnist Ask Amy, who currently appears in the Los Angeles Times, and I assume the other Tribune Newspapers.

I had the pleasure of meeting Amy at the
Los Angeles Press Club a few months ago, thanks to Kate Coe from Deep Glamour, and found Amy to be a fireball. Towering over me by at least two inches with a head of bright red hair Amy is witty, humorous, and highly intelligent, and a proficient writer.

If you have the chance to meet Amy, tap her on the shoulder, as she’s very down to earth and fun to be around and enjoys verbal communication.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks,'re the best!

    And if anybody here needs love/sex/dating/relationship advice, feel free to write me. I try to answer every e-mail I get, not just the letters that will make my column.


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