Monday, September 01, 2008

Barack Obama's Labor Day Message

Barack expresses his support for America's labor movement.


  1. What union has he been in? He will attack corporate profits and ruin it for everyone. Palin's hubby is a union ironworker and they are both from the middle class as Oshame has been silver spoon fed. Oshama is a gimmick that a bunch of unfortunate saps have fallen for. God help us.

    Hey Eddie. Why haven't we seen a picture of Sarah yet on your blog? She is wonderful through and through while Oshama is rotten from the tip of his tongue. I wonder how deep the rotteness of Oshama really goes?

  2. Ed Padgett, why do you allow this kind of ignorance and bigotry on your blog?

    Rotten? Gimmick? Saps? Eddo should endeavor to get his information from sources other than Fox News.

  3. Hey Mikey, Just for your Eddofication, I don't watch TV. You must be one of the saps that does. Do yourself a favor and throw a brick through that SOB and you too can become eddofied.

    I don't think you know the meaning of bigotry and ignorance. Once you have become familiar with the terms, report back to me and I will try to get you into a recovery house.

  4. Sorry, big guy. I meant stupidity. You can understand that one, eh?


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