Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Plan of saving Our Future Finance

Here you go Bush, take all of your Oil money along with all of your "friends" large companies, Halliburton, and create a central deposit for all of the Wall street companies to inject their money so they can have a share of that great plan. Seems to me that if it's good for the goose, it must be great for the gander, but the only gander buying anything is good old Warren Buffet. Why ask us broke 70% to bail out the elite 10% that own 90% of everything. This plan is B.S. it takes the money that these banks gambled on and holds the US tax payer accountable for something, many of us never created. Let the chips fall where they may, and I bet you that many of these rich companies that will be affected will somehow manage to keep operations going. This sky is falling mentality has been a great Bush tactic to get his way, but I say enough, and put an end to the lies. Do you think that GE, COKE, PESIE, Procter & Gamble, ect will let their empires fall to a few stupid bankers? I think not. I just think they don’t want to pony up money to save this great Country of ours. Maybe that’s why in 2007 Halliburton decided to open a second corporate office in Dubai U.A.E. to cover their ass in the losses that were about to realize just a year later. Way to go Bush!


  1. Wolf that has to be probably the most ignorant, misinformed, stupid thing you have ever said. The problems that we are facing are very serious and many Americans stand to lose alot because of this. The reason why we are in this mess is because thousands of people were given mortgage loans that had NO business getting a home loan. Than what happens ? The people quit making there mortgage payments and here we are.

    What took place was a MASSIVE SOCIAL EXPERIMENT to give the poor and disadvantaged a home loan.

    I didnt realise the Bank of Haliburton is responsible for this.

  2. It was not the bank of Halliburton, it was the puppets running the white house approving the plan that I am pissed about. Listen when you make a bad investments, you don’t see uncle Bush running to your aid, do you? Let Bush and his pal’s sink to Hell. We will manage. We might have to go through a tough 5 year recovery, but at least we won’t be 1 trillion dollars in Debt with BAD PAPER LOANS.

  3. Wolf if you honestly research what took place you will than understand what happened. Simply using the same old Bush is responsible for all things that are wrong is rediculous. FYI it wasnt the white house that approved these loans.



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