Monday, September 22, 2008

Save Our Trade: Targeted for Discipline

By Ronnie Pineda

I have spent the weekend listening to stories from our brothers and sisters in Los Angeles describing the way Walker and Supervision are on a mission to find any reason to write people up. This has resulted in NTF's (note to file) which have again become an issue. Why is it that supervision can stick notes in your file and not discuss the content of these notes with the employees. These are put in your file without your knowledge denying you the opportunity to respond and challenge if wrongly accused.

Complete article can be accessed by clicking on link below.

Save Our Trade: Targeted for Discipline


  1. I think it's an awful intimidation method, an outright aggressive move.

    Hear that management? Aggressive. And what you're doing is setting up the very company you work for, including yourself is a lawsuit, which will drag out for years and it'll involve the person writing it who will have to take time off from work, and then stress over the whole damned hearing.

    Just think, your write-up policy might end up costing your beloved company hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawyers, worker's comp (for stress related issues, and you having to take time off.

    So if there are ISSUES, then go hit some books and learn some CONFLICT RESOLUTION and PEOPLE MANAGEMENT SKILLS. Accept that you all work to get the paper out each morning so that I have something to read. As a subscriber, I don't like to hear that the paper I read was produced under threats. This alone is enough to make me drop my subscription.

    Things are hard enough without all of you doing the bonehead thing and acting like a bunch of old biddy schoolmarms picking up pads, writing down names, sticking notes in people's files as though they you worked in a primary school.

  2. "Impressive. Most impressive.
    Ronnie-Wan has taught you well.
    He has created your misinformed fear.
    Now, regain your rational thought process and critical thinking.
    Only your gullibility can destroy the truth.

    And now, your highness, we will discuss the location of your hidden rebel base..."

    Darth Tater

  3. Ronnie-Wan said...

    "For over a thousand generations, the Jedi knights were the guardians of bustouts and meal tickets in the old Republic... before the dark times... before the empire.

    Now use The Force young Sly-Walker. The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded. Use The Force."

  4. Hey Darth Tater, our differences aside, I have to say, you really need to find a hobby! Your obsession is making me uncomfortable and may be unhealthy for you. That Ronnie Wan avatar is F***ing hilarious!Thanks for the gut busting laugh, I needed it!

    I actually go by "Obi Ron" my OLD apprentice.

    You will send me a copy you will!
    ....thought I'd give it a try!

    Hi Kanani, Thank's for the support!
    I appreciate your passionite response. In the thirty years I have worked for the Times, I have never known any boss to be as heavy handed and agressive toward his subordinates. It's hard to be a TEAM when the coach continues to alienate his players.

  5. Chandlerbacca said,


    Translation: "Obi-Ron, why'd ya throw me under the Millennium Falcon?"

  6. Darth Tater said,

    "I sense something; a presence I've not felt since... "

  7. Obi-Ron said,

    "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if scores of pressmen suddenly had to work a full shift...I fear something terrible has happened."

  8. Princess Larrla said,

    "Help me Obi-Ron. You’re my only hope."

  9. I am giving notice for you to cease and desist allowing libelous/slanderous postings regarding the Chandlers.This includes, but is not limited to, known false quotes erroneously attributed to me.
    Philip Chandler


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.