Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Tuesday Afternoon Links

Sarah Palin Governor Alaska


  1. I'm just left wondering why McCain didn't pick Senator Olympia Snowe, who has both the intelligence and the experience. Or better yet, McCain should've blown everyone away and chosen Hillary as his running mate.

    Ah, the dog and caribou show continues.....

  2. She carried the speech off very well tonight, but without much substance. She almost focused more on (what she felt was)Obama's flaws than what her party will do to bring about the 'change' the country is in search of.

    The challenge comes when the speech writers aren't around. Those impromptu questions from the press, and responses to debate questions.

    We've seen her make an about-face on the 'Bridge To Nowhere.' Not unlike the accusations she made tonight about Obama. 'Pork-belly' projects and spending that she's lobbyed for...no mention of that.

    The majority of her focus seemed to have been on what John McCain will do and not on how she will assist him in meeting those ends.

    But I can give credit where it's due...she's confident. But the ticket has to come up with much more to convince the undecided on who will be the next Commander In Chief.

    Bring on NOVEMBER!!!!!!

  3. Well, in my eye's if a person can jugle 5 kids, sports, a spouse, and everything that comes with a "real" job, then I can assure you, that she was the right choice for "real" change.

  4. Lies, lies, and hyprocrisy! This woman has become more popular in less than a week than Obama and McCain. What does that say about the American People?...wow...

  5. blog queen said,
    "...This woman has become more popular in less than a week than Obama and McCain. What does that say about the American People?..."

    I think the more insightful question would be, "What does that say about Obama and McCain?


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