Thursday, October 16, 2008

Can we trust him?

Obama's communist ties are undeniable. Would you want him as President anyway?It's amazing to me that this has been kept underwraps for so long. "Barack Obama had extensive ties with extreme anti-American elements, including agents of the Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA, in Hawaii and Chicago, according to two new reports released yesterday in Washington, D.C., by two experienced internal security investigators. Investigative journalist Cliff Kincaid and Herbert Romerstein, a former investigator with the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities, presented evidence Obama was mentored, while attending high school in Hawaii, by Frank Marshall Davis, an African-American poet and journalist who was also a CPUSA member. The authors, in a separate report, document Obama's ties to radicals in Chicago who helped launch his career." Where is the mainstream media on this? I checked, and even a search on CNN's website revealed these links. THAT should tell you something! I, for one, do not like the thought of tearing down in one presidential race what it took 232 years to build! See for yourself!

Contributed by Soda Head.


  1. Kinda surprises to see this. You'd have had a field day in the age of McCarthy!

    Guilt by association! Yea!

  2. If it smells like a duck, walks like a duck, well you know. He is a Duck, a communist duck.

  3. There is an old saying
    "You are the company you keep".



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