Monday, October 20, 2008

Color of Change Org

By Vanessa Brox

Hello my fellow Americans,

Democrats, Republicans, and Independents,

John McCain and Sarah Palin have stopped talking about the issues, and have instead launched a strategy relying on fear-mongering, racial divisions, and hate. The result is McCain/Palin supporters saying "kill him!" "terrorist!" "traitor," and more, at rallies, with the McCain campaign playing dumb in response.It's outrageous and it muststop.

Together, we can show that Americans of all races won't stand for this. I've signed onto ColorofChange's open-letter calling out McCain and Palin. will publish it this week, and as they've shown in the past, when enough of us stand together, we can force the mainstream media to amplify our message. Will you join us?

McCain-Palin rallies have started to look more like mob scenes than political events. The candidates keep asking "who is the real Barack Obama?" (a question that also kicks off almost every McCain television ad). In response, supporters have yelled "terrorist!" and "traitor!" And the venom goes beyond Obama--one McCain/Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at a Black member of a news crew, saying "sit down, boy." McCain and Palin are going down a dangerous path. Watching some of their supporters being interviewed shows the kind of fear their campaign is stoking and exploiting. McCain and Palin are clearly in the driver's seat. They've personally made it a point to use "terrorist"and "Obama" in the same sentence; they have surrogates repeatedly refer to him by his middle-name; and they keep pushing the discredited guilt-by-association smears that have long been debunked.

All of it plays on the much more sinister rumors in anonymous smear emails which claim Obama is Muslim (a myth designed to tap into anti-Muslim bigotry), anti-American, and is somehow connected with terrorists. This strategy is powerful because Obama is Black, and it's designed to make Obama's race a disadvantage without appearing overtly racist.

As Americans of all stripes, we've seen how Barack Obama's historic candidacy has moved our friends and family to have a more honest conversation about race in this country. It's inspired a lot of people to step out of their comfort zone and confront racism in their own communities, with their friends, neighbors and families. In the final days of this campaign, we can't let a desperate John McCain and Sarah Palin drag us down. If enough of us act, we can create a powerful story in the media about Black people and our allies of all races standing together against race-baiting and fear-mongering coming from the McCain/Palin campaign. But it will take a lot of us speaking in unison.

Will you sign an open letter to McCain and Palin, telling them who you are and why you won't let them move our country backward? will publish the letter and make sure John McCain is forced to respond.


Vanessa Brox


  1. Vanessa, Just as I suspected, you have it all wrong. The whole jist of your post is a falsehood. Your allegations were investigated by the Secret Service and it turns out the crowd was yelling "Tell him."

    Now, what do you have to say about OShama sitting in church listening to and supporting a racist minister for twenty years spouting things like "G*d Damn America."

    I suspect you to be ignorant of the facts. Listen up, do the right thing, and vote for the experienced war hero and the beautiful gracious lady. It's not about race, it's about Truth, Justice and the American Way. Vote for life, lower taxes, prosperity and freedom.

  2. Eddo,

    Thanks for your comments. I didn't compose the letter. It is a letter writing campaign. That is the letter that was sent to me as a member of color of change, to have others sign and send to the McCain Palin campaing, and the response is overwhelming! Thousands have been sent out.

    As far as the Reverend Wright being racist that is your view, but I don't see it that way. He has the right to preach what he wants, and Obama had the right to listen to it. Obamahe responded to the uproar,now let it go.Resurrecting it, are the tactics of a struggling campaign; and nothing that Wright said was racist! It may have been harsh and too real for you,but liberation theology is not for you.There is nothing to fear about liberation theology.It is routed in experience of those other than yourself.Don't be afraid of it,the theology is liberating, but not related to you, personally. IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU, so get over it.

    AS far as "G"d Damn America, Did you hear the entire sermon or are you just repeating what you heard from others,or from Rush Limbaugh or some other "spinner".That stement was regarding a particular subject mtter. One thing is for sure, the subject of Reverend WRight is not important to free thinking, rational Americans, as eveident in Obamas lead. No one wants that type of foolishness disussed,they want to know who is most qualified, who they have confidence in, and that obviously is Barack Obama, right eddo?

    You must not have read the letter, or viewed the website, it is of ALL RACES joining togther to condemn the old boy network,and the outdated"bubba-ish" backroom type politics that has gotten the McCain Palin ticket no where. It's a different America. Racism and name calling is a thing of the past, get over it.

    As far as ignorant of the facts, you just had the facts presented to you in a video, and all you say is, they said "tell him", watch it again my friend, objectively this time.You sound like some angry old man!

    The McCain rallies we are talking about, and have the issues with, the people in the audience were angry, and yelling and acting so harsh,their behavior was awful, so stop trying ignore the behavior of your party. Lets be real here! You don't see angry people at Obama Rallies!He ALWAYS stays calm, while McCain is angry and scattered, all over the place.. Americans of all races feel that way. Don't be so quick to insult people with name calling, it's so small of you!,I guess it't easier to hurl insults than it is to attempt an intelligent conversation.

    I guess McCain is not the only one who is quick to anger, quick to hurl insults, spin and decieve.....

    Truth, justice and the American way. Vote for life, lower laxes on the middle class, prosperity to the honest and ethical hard working American.

    We want a President who believes in jobs in America and not overseas,a government that is not quick to battle.(peace not war). A level headed President that is respected around the world,and can avoid wars by sitting with foreign leaders and negotiating with them, I like that. McCain is slow and not really the smartest egg in the dozen.

    The Palin effect is good for the base, without her on the ticket no one would even show up to hear him speak.Sarah Palin is attractive, and has that star power, like she will make millions on book deals, magazine articles,maybe even a movie made about her, but Vice President of the USA, my standards are a bit higher.She is not qualified, and just because McCain is a war hero, does not automatically qualify him as President. He suffered as a POW, and that is honorable, but my father was shot five times in the Korean War,and kept fighting! I'm sure millions here can tell you of someone in their family who has a horrific tale of their time at war...all American families fight for this country..not just McCain and Palins...McCain has some anger issues, and is not very level headed.

    Resist the name calling it is most unattractive.

    Vanessa Brox

  3. Vanessa, I get it now. They are all just a bunch of nice guys, Ayers, Wright, Vesco, and OShama. Just answer a couple of questions for me please.

    Why did OShama hang with a terrorist?
    Why would Wright and Oshama split ways in the middle of the campaign?
    Is an adulterous Wright really Reverend?
    Why would OShama let his children kill his grandchildren?
    Why was OShama mentored by a communist?
    Why would OShama be in favor of letting unwanted babies be left to die without care?
    Do you think OShama really cares about you?
    How is OShama going to give tax breaks to 95% of Americans, when 40% don't even pay taxes?

    I have more, however, before I continue, I will wait for your answers on these.

  4. Wow Vanessa... you are calling Eddo angry? Well dear after you catch your breath look in the mirror.


  5. Mr.Oc,

    I am not angry, really. It is not noice to call someone ignorant just because you don't agree with someone. I didn't attack anyone, just made a post.

    The issues, and the differences of each candidate is what we should be discussing, no personal attacks.


  6. "Hang with a terrorist"?...why do you say things like that?..O.K., here we go...In the '60's, there were quite a few people, (who are prominent now for one thing or the other)who were radicals,and activist. It was a very radical, anti American, down with the pigs, and make peace not war time...but now, these folks, including Ayers are respected professors, powerful business men, and politicians. Your beloved Bush was a coke head,and a royal screw up himself, during the '60's...drugs or anti american hippie activist,to me all the same.

    Today, Mr.Ayers is on the board of an educational foundation, and Obama ends up on it. I don't know the timeline, but the "rhetoric" is that he launched his career in Mr.Ayers living room....well, here is how I see it. Senator Obama was 7 years old when Ayers was doing his thing in the '60's..7 years old..,Mr Ayers is now a College Professor,and respected member of this educational board that a young Obama was now a member of,meets Mr.Ayers at a board meeting,,, and we are to say he is a terrorist or associating with a terrorist, why doesn't that sound strange to you? seem to ignore that these are not the only two on the board of this foundation. What would you think is Cindy Mccain has had associations with Ayers,through a charity event,and through the educational foundation? Did you know that there are other prominent Republican politicians on the board you know anyting about the foundation?..

    Oshama? He is a U.S. senator,an inportant American representative. he is very intelligent with a good calm charisma,and has loads of style and great communication skills. he is highly respected by members of the House and the Senate.He has a clear understanding of our economy and I'm confident his cabinet and staff will be chosen with great thought,and he will surround himself with the best minds in the country.It would be great if Colin Powell,amd Hillary Clinto (working on health care)will be part of his team.

    Reverend Wright? Who cares? it is not relevant! splitting int he middle of a campaign is a personal matter i would imagine. but in my opinion mr Wright was taking payment to appear and I think he wanted to clear his name. But during a campaing I would imagine a candidate would have to part ways with anything or anyone that the general public find offensive. Mr. Wrights theology is not for everyone.Barack Obama was not even in the audience when Wright was making that now notorios speech you are talking about....just be real, and think things through, think for yourself and stop looking at things the way you are conditioned to look at them, Look at them objectively.

  7. Very nicely done, Vanessa; however, the facts and logic don't faze our resident redneck and master bullshiter Eddo. Presenting Eddo with the facts is like flushing money down the toilet.

  8. Vanessa, I am going to take excerpts from two highly respected and successful Black men to answer a couple of your flippant replies as well as some of my own input. They be Larry Elders and Thomas Sowell. Your comments are in italics. "Hang with a terrorist"?...why do you say things like that?..O.K., here we go...In the '60's, there were quite a few people, (who are prominent now for one thing or the other)who were radicals,and activist. It was a very radical, anti American, down with the pigs, and make peace not war time...but now, these folks, including Ayers are respected professors, powerful business men, and politicians.” I say, respected by whom? Your comment was a gross understatement. Larry Elders as well as many others state the real facts –“Ayers and his wife, Bernardine, belonged to a radical terror group in the '60s and '70s called Weather Underground. The organization committed murders, bombings and attempted acts of terrorism. In a Sept. 11, 2001, article about Ayers' book "Fugitive Days," Ayers showed no remorse. Indeed, he said: "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough." You stated – “Your beloved Bush was a coke head,and a royal screw up himself, during the '60's...drugs or anti american hippie activist,to me all the same.” Bush is not beloved by me, but he is a hell of a lot more decent than OShama, Gore, the Clintons, and John Kerry; – all pro aborts. I didn’t even vote for Bush. Also, OShama was a coke head.

    Today, Mr.Ayers is on the board of an educational foundation, and Obama ends up on it. I don't know the timeline, but the "rhetoric" is that he launched his career in Mr.Ayers living room....well, here is how I see it. Senator Obama was 7 years old when Ayers was doing his thing in the '60's..7 years old..,Mr Ayers is now a College Professor,and respected member of this educational board that a young Obama was now a member of,meets Mr.Ayers at a board meeting,,, and we are to say he is a terrorist or associating with a terrorist, why doesn't that sound strange to you? seem to ignore that these are not the only two on the board of this foundation. What would you think is Cindy Mccain has had associations with Ayers,through a charity event,and through the educational foundation? Did you know that there are other prominent Republican politicians on the board you know anyting about the foundation?.. Thomas Sowell revels – “Bill Ayers is not just “an education professor” who has some left-wing views. He is a confessed and unrepentant terrorist, who more recently has put his message of resentment into the schools — an effort using money from a foundation that Obama headed…A candidate who spends two decades promoting polarization and then runs as a healer and uniter, rather than a divider, forfeits all trust by that fact alone. Ayers and his wife, Bernardine, belonged to a radical terror group in the '60s and '70s called Weather Underground. The organization committed murders, bombings and attempted acts of terrorism. In a Sept. 11, 2001, article about Ayers' book "Fugitive Days," Ayers showed no remorse. Indeed, he said: "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough." Ayers and Obama sat on two boards together. One — the Chicago Annenberg Challenge — distributed more than $100 million from 1995 to 2001 to improve Chicago schools. Their own assessments show they failed. The money went for things such as peace initiatives, multiculturalism, Afrocentrism, bilingualism and courses that condemn capitalism and encourage attacking "oppressors."

    Reverend Wright? Who cares? it is not relevant! I say, If John or Sara hung with terrorists or the KKK you and the media would be all over it. splitting int he middle of a campaign is a personal matter i would imagine. but in my opinion mr Wright was taking payment to appear and I think he wanted to clear his name. But during a campaing I would imagine a candidate would have to part ways with anything or anyone that the general public find offensive. just be real, and think things through, think for yourself and stop looking at things the way you are conditioned to look at them, Look at them objectively. I say that you have been hoodwinked. You need to throw a brick through your T.V. and stop listening to the media that is so twisted and evil and repent of your sin of participating in another’s sins by supporting them. If you vote for OShama, you too will have the blood of the unborn innocents being mutilated and snatched from their mother’s wombs though abortion, on your hands. Judgment day is coming and you and OShama both will have to answer to our Lord as well as all of the aborted babies who were robbed of their life, but not their souls. The choice is yours. Vote for McCain - vote for life, vote for Oshama – vote for death.

  9. Carol, State one thing that I have bullshitted about. Eddo

  10. Vanessa The italics designating your comments did not carry through to the post. I think you can sort through the comments and decipher which are yours and which are mine. Eddo

  11. eddo,

    It does not matter that Elder or Sowell are Black men.

    The facts are the facts, and obviously no one cares about this Bill Ayers foolishness. Everyone knows that serving on a board does not mean you are connected to the other board members, nor does it mean you share all their views.

    They worked to raise money for educational institutes and specialized studies, such as African American studies.

    On a lighter side, we serve on the PTA at our childrens schools, and don't know the past of the other parents. Then you find out that one of the parents was an activist in the '60's...years later it is said when you choose to run for political office, you worked side by side with a terrorist from the '60's...that is how silly it sounds to me to even consider this as some kind of loaded gun,,,no one cares!

  12. Hey Carol,

    Thanks...ya know, I figured that one out. The video that started this conversation was full of facts...

    as far as my opinions on Reverend Wright, I just told eddo to not be afraid.Liberation Theology is nothing new,and Mr.Obama was not even there to hear that now notorious speech,and his remark "G***D*** American was taken out of context, and I asked him had he heard the entire speech? eddo did not respond to that question.

    Reverend Wright was giving some fired up sermon, and that remark was a rhetorical answer to his own question,...he had listed some past injustices that he was advising the congregation on, and felt the country had not adquately responded to, and that things are still not right.

    Liberation Theology is not for all,..I did not take his coments as racist, and I don't feel he hates this country. Reverend Wright is veteran of war. He risked his life in battle for this country.

  13. Vanessa, Oh I get it now. Black Liberation Theology is all about loving thy neighbor as Christ preached. Lets let not so Reverend Jeremy Wright’s Theology be Exposed for all to see. And while you read the below, keep in mind OShama supported and listedned to this crap for 20 years.

    In a set of “talking points” on the Trinity United Church of Christ web site, Wright proclaims himself an exponent of “black liberation theology.” He cites James Cone, a distinguished professor at New York’s Union Theological Seminary, whom he credits for having “systematized” this strain of Christianity.

    Here is a quote from Cone, explaining black liberation theology:

    Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community. … Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.

    Lovely isn't it?

  14. For Vanessa, et al.
    Hymn to Hitler
    by Lori Kalner
    In Germany, when Hitler came to power, it was a time of terrible financial depression. Money was worth nothing. In Germany people lost homes and jobs, just like in the American Depression in the 1930s, which we have readabout in Thoene’s Shiloh books. In those days, in my homeland, Adolph Hitler was elected to power by promising“Change.” He blamed the “Zionists” around the world for all our problems. He told everyone it was greedy Zionist Bankers who had caused every problem we had. He promised when he was leader, the greedy Zionist bankers would be punished. The Zionists, he promised, would be wiped off the face of the earth.
    So Hitler was elected to power by only 1/3 the popular vote. A coalition of other political parties in parliament made him supreme leader. Then,when he was leader, he disgraced and expelled everyone in parliament who did not go along with him.Yes. Change came to my homeland as the new leader promised it would.
    The teachers in German schools began to teach the children to sing songs in praise of Hitler. This was the beginning of the Hitler Youth movement. It began with praise of the Fuhrer’s programs on the lips of innocent children. Hymns in praise of Hitler and his programs were being sung in the schoolrooms and in the play yard. Little girls and boys joined hands and sang these songs as they walked home from school.
    My brother came home and told Papa what was happening at school. The political hymns of children proclaimed Change was coming to our homeland and the Fuhrer was a leader we could trust. I will never forget my father’s face. Grief and fear. He knew that the best propaganda of the Nazis was song on the lips of little children.That evening before he said grace at the dinner table, he placed his hands upon the heads of my brothers and me and prayed the Living Word upon us from Jeremiah 1:4-5…‘Now the Word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in thewomb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to The nations.”
    Soon the children’s songs praising the Fuhrer were heard everywhere on the streets and over the radio. “With our Fuhrer to lead us, we can do it! We can change the world!” Soon after that Papa, a pastor, was turned away from visiting elderly parishioners in hospitals. The people he had come to bring comfort of God’s Word, were “no longer there.” Where had they vanished to while under nationalized health care? It became an open secret. The elderly and sick began to disappear from hospitals feet first as “mercy killing” became the policy. Children with disabilities and those who had Down syndrome were euthanized. People whispered, “Maybe it is better for them now. Put them out of misery. They are no longer suffering…And, of course, their death is better for the treasury of our nation. Our taxes no longer must be spent to care for such a burden.” And so murder was called mercy.The government took over private business. Industry and health care were “nationalized.” NA-ZI means National Socialist Party)
    The businesses of all Jews were seized. (Perhaps you remember our story in Berlin on Krystalnachtin the book Munich Signature ?)
    The world and God’s word were turned upside down. Hitler promised the people economic Change? Not change. It was, rather, Lucifer’s very ancient Delusion leading to Destruction. What began with the propaganda of children singing a catchy tune ended in the deaths of millions of children. The reality of what came upon us is so horrible that you in this present generation cannot imagine it. Our suffering is too great to ever tell in a book or show in a black and white newsreel. When I spoke to Bodie about some of these things, she wept and said she could not bear to write them. Perhaps one day she will, but I asked her, “who could bear to read our suffering?”
    Yet with my last breaths I warn every Christian and Jew now in the name of the Lord,Unless your course of the church in America is spiritually changed now, returning to the Lord,there are new horrors yet to come.
    I trembled last night when I heard the voices of American children raised in song, praising the name of Obama, the charismatic fellow who claims he is the American Messiah. Yet I have heard what this man Obama says about abortion and the “mercy killing” of tiny babies who are not wanted. There are so few of us left to warn you. I have heard that there are 69 million Catholics in America and 70 million Evangelical Christians. Where are your voices? Where is your outrage? Where is passion and your vote? Do you vote based on an abortionist’s empty promises and economics? Or do you vote according to the Bible? Thus says the Lord about every livingchild still in the womb…“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,and before you were born I consecrated you…”I have experienced the signs of the politics of Death in my youth. I see them again now.
    Christians! Unless you stand up now,you will lose your freedom of religion. In America priests and preachers have already lost their freedom to speak openly from their pulpits of moral danger in political candidates. They cannot legally instruct you of which candidate holds fast to the precepts of scripture! American law forbids this freedom of speech to conservative pastors or they will lose their “tax exempt” status. And yet I have heard the words of Obama’s pastor Damning America! I have heard the words of Obama damning and mocking all of you in small towns because you “Cling to your religion…”
    But I am a woman whose name is unknown. My life is recorded as a work of fiction. I have no fear of reprisal when I speak truth to you from the pages of a book. I am an old woman and will soon go to be with my Lord. I have no fear for myself, but for all of you and for your children, I tremble. I tremble at the hymns to a political leader which your children will sing at school. (Though even now a hymn or a prayer to God and our Lord Jesus is against the law in public school!)Your vote must put a stop to what will come upon America if Barrack Obama is elected. I pray you will personally heed this warning for the sake of your children and your grandchildren. Do not be deceived. The Lord in Jeremiah 1:7-8 commands every believer to speak up! “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth,’ for to all whom Isend you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak.
    Do not be afraid of them for I am with you, declares the Lord!”

  15. eddo, Liberation Theology, is one mans choice. You ssem so afraid of things that you don't agree with.

    Liberation Theology is just that. Theology that Liberates...if you need liberation then you should have listened to the sermon, if you don't, then who cares? That message was not for you, has done nothing to you, has not changed or damaged you, so why do you care? I ahve been in church so man times and a minister has said things that I fundamentally did not agree with, what?...I happen to agree with, and undersatnd the sermon that Reverend Wright gave,and other sermons of his. If you don't, that's fine...what's the big deal. Get over it! Reverend Wright is not running for president, who cares?

    Obama never called himself the messiah, that was a media term, that came from the press...get over it....He does not consider himself as anyting but a father, husband, senator and American. He is running for president,and jut might win. What kind of man are you, if you don't agree with his politics, then just don't vote for him, vote for McCain, but your views, and the things you entertain seem so un=American to me.

    I am not voting for McCain but am not looking for things to spin about the guy, he is just an old man, that should just go home now,that is it...

    Obama is the favored candidate, at the moment...who knows, McCain may win....but the rest of your conversation is rediculous!

    For anyone here who has not done so, if you want to know what Obama thinks, or you want to see who supports him, look at his family, jut go to his website:
    http://www/ Stop the foolish discussions,and fear mongering....!

  16. Vanessa, I found the below on World Net Daily. It is an excerpt, go to WND to read the whole article. It demonstrates a more than casual relationship between Ayers and OShama. You see this guy hung with terrorists, crooks and communists. Birds of a feather flock together. The OShama said Ayers was "just a guy who lives in my neighborhood" He is a Sham now isn't he? I would decribe him as a liar!
    ELECTION 2008
    Experts affirm: Ayers wrote Obama's memoir
    Scientific analyses independently find radical's mark on 'Dreams From My Father'

    Posted: October 29, 2008
    12:12 am Eastern

    © 2008 WorldNetDaily

    Independent scientific analysis by a number of leading experts supports the literary detective work of WND columnist Jack Cashill that has led him to conclude unrepentant domestic terrorist William Ayers was the primary author of important sections of Barack Obama's highly acclaimed memoir and editor of the book as a whole.

    Obama's 1995 book, "Dreams From My Father," won the 2006 Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album and drew praise from Time magazine, which called it "the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician."

    But since July, Cashill has unveiled in a dozen columns, summarized here, his compelling evidence that the co-founder of the radical Weather Underground group – dismissed by Obama as "just a guy who lives in my neighborhood" – shaped and refined the book with his exceptional writing skill and radical ideas.

    The evidence, Cashill says, "severely tests Obama's claim of a superficial relationship with the self-declared 'communist' Ayers. This appears to be a conscious and consequential deception."

    Cashill points out that in contrast to "Dreams," the Obama writing samples unearthed before 1995 "are pedestrian and uninspired."

    "There is no precedent for this kind of literary transformation," he writes. "It is as if a high 90s golfer suddenly showed up with his PGA card -- with no known practice rounds in between."


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.