Sunday, October 12, 2008


October 7, 2008

No. Employee Name -------Legacy -------------Dept Company Hire

1 Gibson,Michael S 1/3/1970 12/22/1969
2 Grifflth,Robert E 4/26/1970 10/26/1969
3 Stottenberg,Anthony K 6/27/1972 5/10/1972
4 Parker Walter S 8/25/1972 5/24/1968
5 McKenzie,Danny B 10/27/1972 10/27/1972
6 GarnerAlan K 3/5/1973 3/5/1973
7 MinerJohn P 12/2/1973 7/22/1971
8 Fins,Brian S 3/14/1974 1/15/1975
9 Carlson,Michael F 6/16/1974 4/14/1974
10 Laforce, Roger H 10/20/1974 5/28/1974
11 Novak,Charles J 12/29/1974 5/5/1974
12 Campos,RauI 4/27/1975 10/13/1974
13 Castaneda,Rudy 4/27/1975 11/3/1974
14 Russell,Rickey L 11/30/1975 11/21/1973
15 Murray,Robert E 11/30/1975 4/15/1975
16 Zaby,Carl N 5/2/1976 2/22/1976
17 Lane,Randall D 5/19/1976 5/19/1976
18 Laird,Charles G 8/21/1976 8/21/1976
19 ReneyJr,Charles R 8/21/1976 8/17/1976
20 Tillage,Berry L 1/23/1977 9/29/1974
21 Padgett Jr,Edward D 5/15/1977 8/3/1972
22 Joe Jr,David 5/15/1977 11/8/1976
23 Cooper,John W 9/11/1977 2/13/1977
24 Conboy,Martin A 9/11/1977 6/18/1973
25 Cooper,Christopher S 10/23/1977 6/12/1977
26 Raygoza,Fortunato 12/12/1977 12/12/1977
27 Banker,Gerald C 1/25/1978 1/25/1978
28 Barrera,Richard P 2/12/1978 12/4/1977
29 Spellman,Eric L 4/3/1978 4/3/1978
30 Ostojic,Richard 5/7/1978 3/26/1978
31 Ayala,Jorge I 5/9/1978 5/9/1978
32 Hathaway,Jim B 5/21/1978 4/2/1978
33 Randall,Michael R 5/21/1978 3/26/1978
34 Brungardt,James P 5/22/1978 5/22/1978
35 Gonzales,Michael 6/4/1978 4/18/1978
36 Coates,James E 6/29/1978 6/6/1977
37 Kirby,Fred 7/2/1978 5/29/1976
38 Huizar,Richard A 7/25/1978 7/25/1978
39 Lankford,Tim A 7/30/1978 7/30/1978
40 Brown Lloyd A 11/26/1978 10/15/1978
41 Satterlee,Richard D 11/26/1978 11/26/1978

42 Proctor,Steven 1/21/1979 10/22/1978
43 Lopez,Sergio 3/11/1979 11/12/1978
44 Noon,Rossana C 5/27/1979 11/21/1977

*Names in bold denote seniority questions


  1. Ed,
    There are seniority questions for #218-#226 also.Those numbers should be "bolded" as well.Read my letter on Ronnies site.If a seniority number is the only thing we really do have then lets get it right.Mangement should have gotten it right a long time ago. I went into the pressroom giving up 16 years in another department.Understood, but well worth it.I used my company seniority to stay in O.C., while others didn't have a choice.Six months later I was forced transfered to the Olympic Pressroom and placed behind in seniority the individuals who went into the pressroom on the same date who I had time on earlier. But that was because they were in Oly pressroom first and that was "policy".Hard to swallow, but that was that.So to recap I willingly gave up 16 years in another dept. to get into the pressroom.I then lost more seniority being forced transfered to Olympic Pressroom. Then management comes out with a two plant wide "Legacy" seniority list and I'm still behind them.Bullsh*t.You guys in my group 218-226 know I'm right. Speak up. Or is silence more beneficial? This would't even be an issue if I would have initially just choose the Olympic Pressroom like Al Clark (shorter commute).Or if I didn't have enough seniority to choose my destination like Mike Reyes and was forced to Oly and is now ahead of me. Management is throwing this at the Union. The Union is throwing it back at management. Employees are stuck in the middle.Maybe management knew it was wrong but allowed it to go on knowing it would bogg down union negotiations.If a seniority number is truly the only thing we really have, then It needs to be right.Or why have one?

  2. well steve your right but tell us " one " thing how does an apprentice become an operator hummmm ??? we over here at oly would Luuuuuuv to hear your know, always in the pressroom office W / stumpy & hanging around mark kurtichs office ... go ahead steve tell your fellow brothers & sisters how you were the office spy for the " 03 " campaign always " running to the pressroom office snitching on everyone remember the name we gave you ???....yup we know why you have a flat head ( LOL ) and that "banging" noise from marks office. soooooo sad and I'm sure you told those at O.C. that you "EARNED' it !! that you did my friend

  3. Well Rudy H., the only accusation worth responding to is the flat head comment. Gotta admit it's the haircut. #4 on top and #3 on the sides. High and tight baby!

  4. Oh nooooo steve it's not just an accusation it's a fact ..... just how does an apprentice get to become an operator ?? know getting the position over " others " more qualified..not too mention journeymen ( and union supporters as well )some with over 15 plus yrs.?? sounds fishy when someone gets " personal " instruction on how to operate the press from Roundtree remember??. I'm sure you do,and wasnt it you who ran to johnny walker with that union " Flyer" you found ??, common steve fess up you know you've always been out for yourself and now your cryin like a lil WITCH !!( figure it out !!! ) you know you were walker & Kurtichs butte BOY so stop cryin !! Oh
    and to all my colleagues at the O.C. dont trust Grant

  5. you're very quiet steve.... no explanation on how an apprentice became an operator ? was it because you're talented


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