Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekend News Wrap

Darrell Kunitomi leading a group of Vietnamese tourists on a tour of the pressroom.

1 comment:

  1. “Barack Obama for president - Los Angeles Times” Now that says it all. Oshama will run this country into the ground. He is the most pro-abort liberal politician on the scene and The Times and Tribune both endorse him. He stands for higher corporate taxes in a country that is second in the world of corporate taxes. He stands for higher taxes on those already giving half of their hard earned money to federal, state, and local governments and giving it to those that don’t work or pay taxes. He stands for everything Karl Marx stood for and is reported by good sources to have communist ties.

    In the Times endorsement, they talk abut Palin’s lack of experience. I have to ask – what kind of experience does Oshama have? He has spent his short career running for office, voting present, and espousing abortion rights. What an abomination!

    What else would you expect from a left wing rag? No wonder they are all failing. You are all worried about Zell-doe running the company into the ground. Now you can worry about Oshama running the country into the ground.

    I saw the other day that The Times was still downsizing the editorial departments. I have one thing to say. Zell-doe, you have a ways to go yet with this kind of leadership.


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