Friday, November 07, 2008

232,000 Additional Los Angeles Times Nov. 5th Edition

Line at the Los Angeles Times to buy a newspaper: Photo credit Ricardo DeAratanha

The election of Barack Obama as president of the United States has been a boon for newspapers across the country as citizens attempt to preserve this historic event for posterity. As you can see through this photograph the line into the Los Angeles Times is almost never ending as readers are unable to locate a single copy of their favorite newspaper anywhere else but from the newspaper.

At last count an additional 232,000 newspapers of the Los Angeles Times November 5th edition have been made available for the public. Beginning yesterday consumers could also buy the front page printing plate of this history-making edition for ten dollars, 2,400 plates have been created as of noon yesterday.

A friend at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer tells me they are also selling extra newspapers with printing plates for $10.00, and if you buy two plates and two newspapers you get a third plate and newspaper for free.

The Los Angeles Times will be selling newspapers and printing plates from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. today and Saturday. The Times lobby is located at 145 S. Spring Street at the corner of 2nd Street and Spring Street.

For back issues, customers should call Customer Service at (800) 252-9141. The call center will take both local and national calls.

Subscribe to the Los Angeles Times by clicking here.

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