Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Congratulations Andrew Nystrom

Congratulations are in order for Andrew Nystrom with his promotion to Senior Producer, Social Media for the Los Angeles Times. On one of my many visits to Latimes.com, Andrew broke away from his computer, and gave me a guided tour, which was appreciated seeing how busy he was at the moment. Andrew also introduced me to his boss, Meredith Artley, which really made my visit a memorial one indeed. I’m certain our paths will cross many more times as Latimes.com evolves.

Here’s the announcement from Meredith Artley:

"Andrew will be moving from his post as the Senior Producer of Travel into this new role. We are using “social media” to describe sites and services outside of latimes.com we can use to engage new readers, spread the word about some of our best work, and do a better job of listening to the larger conversation on the Web. Think about Digg, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, You Tube and other sites that provide opportunities for us to share what we do and better connect with readers. Andrew is going to take the lead in getting us out there. He’ll work all over the newsroom to share best practices, spreading easy and effective first steps. He will also identify ways to use participation on those sites to attract readers to our stories, photos, video, database projects, etc. He’s a natural for this position – he’s already done great work in this space with Travel’s Twitter feed, he’s been working closely with colleagues at the Chicago Tribune who have been leading in some smart social media practices, and he’s a general go-to guy for some of the cutting edge practices on the Web. Andrew will report to Dan Gaines".

To see what is meant by outside latimes.com, visit the new Los Angeles Times Flickr page or the Los Angeles Times YouTube page.

Way to go Andrew

1 comment:

  1. Aw shucks, thanks Ed. It was a pleasure to meet you and the Oly plant crew. If I would have known about this post I would have sent you a better photo :-)

    In addition to the LAT YouTube and Flickr pages, we've also got an official LAT Facebook page (see latimes.com/facebook), a baker's dozen of LAT Twitter feeds (latimes.com/twitter) and a new LAT Multimedia Facebook group (http://tinyurl.com/latimesmultimedia).

    These pages and outreach efforts are in their infancy, so by all means, send me your feedback and suggestions.

    And keep your eye out for more LA blogger meetup and tweetup invites in the New Year.

    Happy holidays to all,
    ~ Andrew


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