Sunday, November 09, 2008

Courage Campaign Repeal Prop 8

Hello Friends,

I just signed a pledge to repeal Prop 8 and I thought you might be interested in joining me and over 100,000 Courage Campaign members across California.

We have to come together right now to say that we refuse to accept a California where discrimination is enshrined in our state constitution.

Please sign the "Repeal Prop 8" pledge now and forward this to your friends as soon as possible:

Thanks Edward


  1. We the people of this state continue to vote in opposition to gay marriage and the activist judges in this state continue to over rule the peoples will.. Who is being discriminated against now?? Since the beginning of time people in every land on this planet do not accept this behavior. So now what the best of 3,4,5 more elections untill they get the outcome they want?? This issue is not about discrimination its about common decency.


  2. 1. Some of the people in California oppose same-sex marriage. Not "We the people".

    2. People who enter into same-sex marriages are PEOPLE first who have rights just as you do. You just want to discriminate against them because they are different. No one asked you to ACCEPT homosexuality; however, what is your problem with being tolerant? Besides, what is the next step? The constitutional ban of homosexuality altogether? Homosexuality, as you pointed out, is a feature of our species. It exists in all cultures despite laws, discrimination, persecution, and bigotry. Should we finally learn to live with this natural fact?

    3. Time began billions of years ago when there was no life of any kind. Recorded human history began thousands of years ago. And, there have been and are cultures that accept homosexuality.

    4. Anti-homosexual laws and amendments have been judged to be discriminatory to the rights of this minority. It is the anti-gay movement who continues to roll the dice until they get their desired result. This prop. 8 was forwarded by the anti-homosexual movement.

    5. Decency is affording and recognizing the rights of other people. Sometimes you have to get past your fears and prejudices to get there. Let's be decent and find ways to live together, now. Let's not continue the centuries of hatred and division.

    6. I can't wait to hear the bigot's claim that God demands that all homosexuality to cease and that he wants a constitutional ban on it. I don't listen to the radical Christians who preach hatred and division. Radical Christianity is responsible for more killing and misery than just about anything I can think of. Every bigoted killer in recent history swore that he had God on his side. Bullshit.

  3. Well mr./ms. moe whoever shouldnt you practice what you preach?
    Your not being very tolerant now are you. Why must you have so much hatred, bigotry, intolerance of those that dont agree with you?
    Why cant you just accept us for who we are.


  4. ho(moe) - You should be ashamed of yourself propagating such filth and lies.

    I already directed you to two good reads on the effects of homosexuality on those that practice it. Go to my blog and read them. It is a real eye opener. None is so blind than those who refuse to open their eyes.

    All cultures that accepted homosexuality resulted in ruination starting with Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Sodomy is an abomination and is one of the four sins calling to heaven for vengeance.

    You state that "radical christianity (sic) is for (sic) more killing and misery than just about anything I can think of." You know what - you are an idiot. Did you ever hear of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro - all communists, all mass murderers. They were responible for killing over 130 million! How about the Roman empire, Hitler, Muslims, Africans killing each other, whites killing indians, Aztecs, Mians? Were any of these radical Christians. I know they were not. You really need to think about what you are saying before you say it.

    How about homosexuals spreading AIDS among each other? Isn't that true misery? It is my understanding that homosexuals are 50 times more likely to kill each other than your average white folk. Isn't that spreading misery?

    If you would have read what I directed you to, you would have found that the top six serial killers in this nation of ours were homosexuals.

    Now, before you go spouting off with your crap. Do a little research and find out how many homosexuals have been killed in this country by ordinary folk because they were homosexual. I am sure there are a few hundred out there, but the homoes are killing each other off at a much, much higher rate. Face the facts idot and quit trying to push your lying crap off on us.

  5. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Once again the people have spoken .And yet are voices are drowned out by the angry mob and and activist judges.

  6. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Once again the people have spoken.And yet their voices are being drowned out by the angry mob and activist judges.

  7. Wait one second. We ALREADY voted! If you don't like the outcome of the MAJORITY of people of California, then leave! Simple.

    This is a Democracy, not a dictatorship. Last I checked we voted on issues and moved forward with the will of the Majority. I guess our Love for China is more than just cheap labor. If you hate the food of a particular restaurant, then don't eat their! California has the RIGHT to define marriage however the people agree it to be, as long as it is the Majority. If you want to keep on crying about losing though, please go ahead, you do have that right. You also have the right to vote, and to go to whatever church you like, you can also eat wherever you like, as long as you have money. I do not see this issue as a Human Rights Issue. This is only a Life Style issue. Have Respect for my lifestyle and Have respect for my definition of Marriage. You don’t see us crying about the fact that we have been discriminated against for over 50 years. You took the Bible out of our schools, you took prayer out of school, you took the Cross off of the LA County Seal, and now you want remove any references to God from our Constitution? Who is being discriminated against now? It is far more “popular” to be gay than it is to be a “real” Christian. Gays already have Civil Unions, and to us Christians that’s A o.k. Hate the laws that do not acknowledge Civil Unions the same as Marriage. But do not change the definition of Marriage that has been the same for over 5,000 years. Especially since we are only talking about something that is already legal in California.

    If this was such a bad Sate why are so many Gays elected to serve our people? California has more Gays living in it than any other State in the Republic, and there is more legislation that supports Gay rights than Christian legislation to defend Christians. As far as I’m concerned everyone here just needs to let the voice of the MAJORITY be the final answer to the question, what is the definition of Marriage? Look it up on the Dictionary, and you can now see it in the California Constitution!


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.