Friday, November 14, 2008

Downsizing Continues at the Los Angeles Times

Unfortunately the downsizing at all Tribune newspapers is still currently underway, with mass layoffs making the news. When one or two employees are let go it is not considered news worthy, unless you happen to know the employee personally.

Last night while at the Los Angeles Press Club I ran into a familiar face, Eric Ulken, Editor of Interactive Technology. Eric shared with me he has left the Los Angeles Times as of last Friday, but had no regrets and left the company to travel before seeking employment elsewhere.

Sandy Banks shared that she often ponders if her company I.D. will allow her into the parking structure, which everyone in the Operations Department wonders on a daily basis. The fear of job loss runs across all levels of the company, especially with the news of the company losing $121,000,000 in the third quarter.

At last count the Times editorial department had a staff of 660, and according to rumors in the Blogosphere the goal is to trim this number down to 450 employees.

The next few weeks will be filled with the unknown for all employees currently working at the newspaper, not knowing if they will remain employed today or tomorrow?

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