Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Future of News with Lee Abrams

Last Thursday I had the pleasure of meeting Sandy Banks, Gary Scott, Ron Kaye, Ezra Palmer, Bill Boyarsky, and Lee Abrams, in other words it will be a week I will not soon forget.

I departed San Dimas ninety minutes before the forum was scheduled to begin anticipating traffic delays on my way to Hollywood, but the traffic was light and I arrived in record time. So I decided to kill a little time by catching up on missed phone calls, as I was on the phone two men, casually dressed but neat in their Levi’s, walked into the press club and looking like the friendly types I waved to them. And they did not hesitate to return the greeting by waving back. As I completed my phone call the two mid aged gentlemen stepped outside and lit up cigarettes, so I joined them. And to my surprise one of the men was Ron Kaye (former editor of the Los Angeles Daily News) himself.

I was able to spend a few minutes with Ron and his friend Doug, as he shared several stories of his well traveled life, and also told me he’s sixty-seven years old, he does not look or act his age, very interesting man indeed.

My next mission was to meet Lee Abrams, and maybe even grab a picture with him, but the crowd was all over Lee and it was looking like I would fail at my mission. But as fate has it, Lee walked my way and I was able to chat with him for a few moments. Lee Abrams is a jolly fellow that is quick with a smile, can’t help but like him in his Levi’s and zip up sweatshirt. I asked Lee if he had visited Venice Beach, which he answered no, and offered to take him there on Friday, but he had to return to the cold climate of Chicago at six the following morning. So maybe next time he’s on the West Coast he’ll be able to take the trip with me, we would look like two old hippies and blend right in with the crowd at the beach.

Edward Headington had the entire forum video taped, here’s part one of five below.

The remainder of the video’s can be viewed here.

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