Thursday, November 13, 2008

Project Valour I.T.

Project Valour I.T. was started by a nonprofit organization in Altadena, California called Soldier's Angels. Funds raised by Project Valour I.t. supply voice-controlled laptops and other technology that supports the physical and psychological recovery of wounded veterans.

"Voice-controlled Laptops - Operated by speaking into a microphone or using other adaptive technologies, they allow the wounded to maintain connections with the rest of the world during recovery.Wii Video Game Systems - Whole-body game systems increase motivation and speed recovery when used under the guidance of physical therapists in therapy sessions.Personal GPS - Handheld GPS devices build self-confidence and independence by compensating for short-term memory loss and organizational challenges related to TBI and severe PTSD."

Please give to the project by clicking on the logo above. Right now, Project Valour I.T. is out of cash. The Department of Defense has decided to send voice activated software to injured soldiers, however, unless they have a laptop, they will be unable to use it. Project Valour I.T. is trying to raise $250k by Thanksgiving in order to make their use of the software possible.

"Due to the great hearts (sponsors, donors, volunteers and others too numerous to mention) within Soldiers Angels I have become more mobile in my rehabilitation and the laptop is absolutely one of the tools that I have in my recovery toolbox. I use it to keep current on my schedule and have several applications that assist with recovery."

Kanani Fong

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