Thursday, November 13, 2008

Never Know Whom You Might Meet?

What a fantastic day this has turned out to be so far, which I assumed would be rather similar to any other Thursday with only a different date.

Our press run of the Sunday Calendar section went extremely well with all four crews having flawless runs and completing our 780,000 copies in record time, which keeps our managers happy and away from the presses.

After work I drove over to Times Mirror Square to purchase the Obama printing plates for friends and family, and was shocked to see the price had doubled to $10.00 for employees and $20.00 for the general public. Let’s hope the Times marketing Department is prepared for the rush after the inauguration, I’m certain there will be a repeat of what we experienced after the election.

As I walked into the Times Company Store I caught sight of Sandy Banks, and not wanting to ogle her too much, I asked a young lady next to me if this was indeed Ms. Banks, to insure she was the veteran Times writer? And apparently I was asking the wrong person as she replied “Who’s Sandy Banks?” One of the young ladies working in the store overheard my question, and came to my aid with “Yes, that’s Sandy, I checked her employee badge before she made her purchase”.

Not knowing how Ms. Banks would react to a common pressman and a stranger, I said hello Sandy, I’m a big fan of your column. And after fifteen minutes of chatting she agreed to a few photographs with the Blogging Pressman. So if you happen to cross paths with Sandy Banks say hello as she is very friendly. Really made my day that much brighter.

Thank you Sandy

You can read Sandy Banks column here.


  1. Hey Ed,

    Thanks for the shout-out. It was great meeting you in the employee center. I was down there a half-dozen times this week, loading up on magnets, posters and newspapers for my family back in Ohio. They're thrilled that I was a part of that collector's edition.

    Tell my Valley buddies Paul and Fred in the pressroom Hello. I sure miss the good old days in the Chatsworth facility.

    Take Care -- Sandy Banks

  2. Sandy,

    Thanks so much for stopping in to our humble blog; maybe I should install a guest book to record all the famous writers such as you that pass through this portal?

    I called my colleague Fred Kirby and told him of our chance meeting and he said, “I told you she was nice and you would like her”, he was right.

    Relating to your article are so easy, especially Saturday’s regarding your daughter moving back in; my daughter moved back in the following day.

    Hope our paths cross again Sandy.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.