Monday, November 03, 2008

Obama: "We Have a Lot of Work to Do"

We have to work like our futures depend on it this last week. Visit to help in the final days of the election, or visit to find your polling place on Tuesday.


  1. obama is a communist and you deserve what you get if he wins. The wages you make (and I know what they are) he considers to be a wealthy person. you will be sorry.

  2. So he's now a communist, and last week he was a socialist, and the week before a terrorist. I don't care about all that crap. Let's just all thank God that he's not a REPUBLICAN. Both sides can agree with me on that one.

    I hope those ink stains come off...

  3. I have never said he was a terrorist. The simple fact is he will tax the rich which will cause job losses. Poor people do not hire anyone. The tax plan he has thrown out there appears to be a welfare plan that gives people that do not even pay taxes a refund (welfare) and anyone making more than 42,000 as a couple will be funding this. As I said before you got what you deserved. Lets wait and see. Regards formerly inkstainedretch


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