Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Our New President


  1. It's moving for so many reasons. Chief amongst them, having grown up during a time when the political landscape and indeed, the uppercrust social landscape was wealthy & white. How wonderful that someone from such humble beginnings, raised by his grandparents, who went on to Harvard, became President.

    But I do wish they'd quit saying he's from Illinois. He's from HAWAII!

  2. My biggest motto: "God is good...ALL the time."

    This was SURELY the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

    Folks are dancing in the streets around the world. The American people are being applauded (and rightfully so), for presenting a new chapter in the history books of our nation.

    Let us move beyond our differences and GET SOMEWHERE!

    God bless our PEOPLE and may God bless AMERICA!


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